.vmf Created 20 years ago2004-12-30 22:44:13 UTC by lucky4444 lucky4444

Created 20 years ago2004-12-30 22:44:13 UTC by lucky4444 lucky4444

Posted 20 years ago2004-12-30 22:44:13 UTC Post #80463
I was at a site that has 'code for the .vmf files'. The link below is what it looks like:


I want to know what I do with it.
Posted 20 years ago2004-12-30 22:45:44 UTC Post #80465
Here is a link to the turoial that I found it in:


The link to the page it at the bottom of the page and is in blue text.
Posted 20 years ago2004-12-30 22:47:00 UTC Post #80467
It's just a vmf file. VMF = text.

File -> Save as -> * Save it wherever you want * -> Open it in hammer
Posted 20 years ago2004-12-31 01:53:06 UTC Post #80493
Yeah, you can actually map in Notepad/Wordpad, if you know how.
RabidMonkey RabidMonkeymapmapmapfapmap
Posted 20 years ago2004-12-31 05:15:02 UTC Post #80520
Can't be that hard to figure out con ejemplos... if you really had nothing better to do.
Seventh-Monkey Seventh-MonkeyPretty nifty
Posted 20 years ago2004-12-31 08:24:28 UTC Post #80536
lol, that would take years to make a full mod doing that.....brb :P
Posted 20 years ago2004-12-31 08:58:20 UTC Post #80539
But it would be real hacker style.
Coding with brainfuck, mapping/textures with notepad and sounds with a stupid synthesizer.
T3h h4ck0r-m0d!
Posted 20 years ago2004-12-31 14:02:23 UTC Post #80615
What should the file type be?
Hammer only can see 3 types of files:

I am going to try naming it one of them, but I just want you to tell me so this is something I can reference to later.
Posted 20 years ago2004-12-31 15:30:48 UTC Post #80625
I have it all under control now, thanks.

One more thing, though -- do you know any sites that have hammer mapping tutorials?

Last question -- do you know any sites that have tutorials with the .vmf notepad stuff?

I am googling it, but I would like to know what you know.
Posted 20 years ago2004-12-31 16:54:27 UTC Post #80644
Er, we have Hammer mapping tutorials...

VMF notepad stuff is widely undocumented - You'd have to look at the code in a VMF file - It's sort of simple, just takes forever.
RabidMonkey RabidMonkeymapmapmapfapmap
Posted 20 years ago2004-12-31 19:15:01 UTC Post #80675
Yes, we do have hammer tutorials, but not source tutorials. I want tutorials for HL2, HL2DM, and CS:S mapping. I mainly want HL2 mapping, though.

I know there was a forum post for tutorials other people know, but those have very limmeted amount of tutorials on them.
Posted 20 years ago2004-12-31 19:25:49 UTC Post #80682

Habboi HabboiSticky White Love Glue
Posted 20 years ago2004-12-31 21:42:52 UTC Post #80731
Pointless, pointless, pointless. Think before you post, dammit.
Seventh-Monkey Seventh-MonkeyPretty nifty
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