CS vs. HL Mapping Created 19 years ago2005-08-24 15:29:55 UTC by Dorian27 Dorian27

Created 19 years ago2005-08-24 15:29:55 UTC by Dorian27 Dorian27

Posted 19 years ago2005-08-25 08:00:27 UTC Post #129629
CS is a strategic environment, so not only it is limited with gameplay objectives, you can't make a map too complex to intricate 'cuz it will leave the players running around like chickens with their heads cut off. HLDM for example, people run around like chickens with their heads cut off anyway! so you can give people interesting things to climb, jump, and shoot from without having some n00b complaining that the map sucks, HLDM is simply "STFU and play"

two cents
Rimrook RimrookSince 2003
Posted 19 years ago2005-08-25 08:11:01 UTC Post #129630
I thought that you prefered Cs Rimrook for you always mapped for it! :tired:
Posted 19 years ago2005-08-25 08:16:04 UTC Post #129632
Sorry for my leave of absense, but now im back to argue. Yes there is a way to give/take points away fom someone in CS, you use a game_score entity, and make it triggered when a player passes through a trigger multiple. it is possible to replicate the "player going through a hoop" aspect. i agree withh kas when he said
Which means: mapping for CS is much harder and time-consuming. CS doesnt offer better gameplay; the well designed maps of CS do. There's a difference.
And there are lots of other factors. In counter-strike you depend on the rest of your team. If your team members are bad players, we all know the game isnt much fun. You can end up waiting more time than actually playing.
SP and deathmatch give you freedom. In deathmatch you can use the layout in so many more ways than would be possible with a CS map, in which you end up following the same paths over and over again.
So in the end, CS is harder to map because of its playability, and objective based gameplay. There is no point saying that one game has better gameplay than another, since it depends on the map. Gameplay in crossfire beats most CS maps, for example.
it is all a matter of what you hope to accomplish when mapping, if you want to make a run around blast things away with an rpg, score crazy points kinda gameplay, obviously, go half life. but if yiou want a strategic, planned out gameplay with realistic objective that are versatile, then go CS. OK now go agrue some more..
Posted 19 years ago2005-08-25 08:27:41 UTC Post #129634
I mapped for CS to show a friend across the country and he doesn't have HL, so whatever. I didn't feel like compiling the same thing twice so i always made them for CS and labeled them thusly. Other than that, they would be strictly labeled "HL." But no matter how nice and "eye-candy"-ish things look, my maps are very rarely played. My friend still says he plays the original Gyradell and Castle Rimrook on a server he hosts. Though i can't connect to it for some reason :(

I haven't mapped for HLDM cuz i'm still a student of the editor. I should probably learn more before releasing maps to be played. If i want my maps played, i'll make sure their played for along time based on their quality. Each of the maps that end up on TWHL are simply fragments of my studies in 3D design. I know very well that i will benefit so greatly from my mapping experiences in the future years of college.

Clarified! Happy?

:glad: :heart:
if yiou want a strategic, planned out gameplay with realistic objective that are versatile, then go CS.
I agree. I have purposely mapped for CS because i'd like to see organized assault rollout on my own maps, but i grew out of it and kinda shot for stretching my skills. If i had my own CS server, in which i did for a while, more CS maps would be around from me.

blah blah blah i stfu now.
Rimrook RimrookSince 2003
Posted 19 years ago2005-08-25 08:53:31 UTC Post #129638
Yes, that's another one: A CS map should be realistic. Most of those fy maps are just killboxes. They play like deathmatch and that's why they are popular.
There is a well known fact;
-A good CS map will be quickly forgotten (if people actually dare to play it) even if the gameplay is better than dust, aztec, etc. It's sad but it's true.
Right now I could mention maps like de_bright or de_morningstar, which most people probably have never seen.

When playing in a deathmatch server, the appearance of a custom map makes most players eager to see that map, but in CS, most players will quit the server to find another aztec, assault etc. Their idea is "I cant bother to learn a new custom map cuz I'll be fragged in the process"
Posted 19 years ago2005-08-25 10:01:28 UTC Post #129650
Well go back to CSbanana then.. :thefinger:

Sorry, could not help myself. I had to say that. :nervous:

Besides if you post your map there and you get thousands of downloads.... Do you ever see your map in a server ? NO!
Posted 19 years ago2005-08-25 10:13:53 UTC Post #129656
Besides if you post your map there and you get thousands of downloads.... Do you ever see your map in a server ? NO!
he holds a very good point. You may find it boring because maybe you've never gone beyond the basic principles. As freshed said earlier that you can do practically whatever you want witbh HL:SP map making becuase ,unlike CS, doesnt hold limitations to what you can make. (objectives and all) but with SP you can make your own genre of unique gameplay.

If you SP maps never get much luck here you can always try different sites.
38_98 38_98Lord
Posted 19 years ago2005-08-25 13:30:22 UTC Post #129699
No, SP, MP wouldnt follow those rules. Although you can simply create any map you want for DM, unlike CS...
I way prefer CS mapping and CS maps. I mean, you spend hours and hours on a HL:Sp map and maybe a few people will play it, then its forgotten, never played etc etc. But CS, you have nicer textures, the guns and models are better, and I find it more fun. In HL, everything always comes out all linear, and the monsters are now so boring. But CS, you can play your map forever if you want, and never get bored. I never finish an HL map, because I get bored and I think "All this time for a few minutes of 'fun' ", but CS, you make this really nice map with a cool layout, and voila! You can play it as often as you want, with bots or against friends. I will never map DM. And CS is the most popular MOD in the world. And also, if you make a HL map, TWHL is proberly the only site in the world for HL:SP maps, and maybe you will get 20 dloads. But CS, you can submit it on say , CSbanana, and there maps get 30 thousand downloads! I also find HL mapping depressing, but CS it can be all cheerful and pretty to look at, and its nice to think all you mapping time will be rewarded with hours and hours of play, as opposed to a few minutes, against a few boring grunts. In my opinoin, map CS. Just always remember, a good layout and nice textures/lighting will make a very fun map.
I think HL mapping is as good as CS mapping fyi
and now your saying HL mapping is as good as, IMO its better then CS for its versatility, it probably offers more textures then CS mapping does too. CS maps really don't compare in the end.

I mean you could create a DM map that makes the player's fight on floating icebergs and it would still make good gameplay, you do that with CS and people will be thinking 'WTF IC3B3RG T3H !?!"?1 ZOMG LOL ROLF' or some crazy stuff like that.
38_98 38_98Lord
Posted 19 years ago2005-08-25 14:06:18 UTC Post #129708
Jumbot is a bot for HLDM ;)
Posted 19 years ago2005-08-25 14:17:12 UTC Post #129712
too lazy eh? :quizzical:

Then you'll have to do without it
Posted 19 years ago2005-08-25 14:18:06 UTC Post #129713
i prefer Rho-bot,
Posted 19 years ago2005-08-25 17:28:16 UTC Post #129760
CS is a strategic environment, so not only it is limited with gameplay objectives
CS? Strategic? Maybe back in the day but now its mostly run and shoot.
Play hostile Intent if you want a stretgic game, thats about as realistic as it gets in the world of FPS.
Posted 19 years ago2005-08-25 17:33:00 UTC Post #129764
fps? :zonked: Whats that got to do with what we are talking about? :nervous: Do you mean by that frames per second? :tired: For I have a feeling it means something else! :aggrieved:
Posted 19 years ago2005-08-25 17:34:57 UTC Post #129765
FPS = First Person Shooter, duhhh!
^Best online show ever, I swear.
Please don
t use that face, it looks too much like a guy having an orgasim....
Posted 19 years ago2005-08-25 17:37:59 UTC Post #129768
I thought it will be something like it! :nervous:
Posted 19 years ago2005-08-27 04:12:04 UTC Post #130162
Cs because im hooked on it and the maps are good!. :biggrin: even i have hl2 but i lag in it :furious:
Posted 19 years ago2005-08-27 04:17:24 UTC Post #130165
The orginal maps are good. But custom maps tend not to do well... :roll:

I didnt know there were bot programs for DM :)
38_98 38_98Lord
Posted 19 years ago2005-08-27 04:20:49 UTC Post #130166
38_98, there are lods of unofficial maps, that are simply awesome!
and loads and loads and loads more.. :)
Daubster DaubsterVault Dweller
Posted 19 years ago2005-08-27 04:27:18 UTC Post #130167
meh, same thing ;)
38_98 38_98Lord
Posted 19 years ago2005-08-27 12:45:55 UTC Post #130230
Blahhhh is pretty good, despite its weird nature.
cs_WildWest, cs_duke2k, de_evergreen, the list goes on.
Posted 19 years ago2005-08-30 13:49:32 UTC Post #130990
Then download Rho-Bot and do it. The problem is that STEAM doesnt let you use bots. It works fine with the normal HL install.
Posted 19 years ago2005-08-30 17:27:54 UTC Post #131076
SP mapping can be played for a long time, it just depends on how long of an SP map you make.
Posted 19 years ago2005-08-31 00:57:26 UTC Post #131147
I completely concur with Mercenary in saying HL mapping is better. With HL you can map for either DM OR SP. For that reason soley, HL mapping is less restrictive than CS. That isn't to say any is BETTER, per say, but there is definately more you can do with HL mapping.
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