History of Sentences.txt

Revision User Message Revert
#8496 - 2 months ago Shepard62FR Shepard62FR Same edit as the previous one but somewhere else (the original change forgot about it too)
#8495 - 2 months ago Shepard62FR Shepard62FR Re-add the previous sentences limit while keeping the HL25 one (historical/archival/education purposes) Revert
#8486 - 2 months ago Names are for unlosers Names are for unlosers Changed the sentence limitations to the anniversary update. Revert
#8087 - 8 months ago kimilil kimilil not steampipe folder compatible; rephrased alternatives Revert
#7921 - 10 months ago FreeSlave FreeSlave Fixed the sentences limit Revert
#7506 - 2 years ago kimilil kimilil updated limits with info gleamed from solokiller's sdk thread Revert
#6698 - 2 years ago FranticDreamer FranticDreamer Grammar Fixes Revert
#6697 - 2 years ago FranticDreamer FranticDreamer Fix Errors about Modifiers Revert
#6609 - 2 years ago kimilil kimilil added link to sentences.101 Revert
#6608 - 2 years ago kimilil kimilil added time compression viz Revert
#6607 - 2 years ago kimilil kimilil after much study, figured out how time compression really works, so this update reflects that. also learned how `speak` doesn't work in all cases. Revert
#6325 - 3 years ago kimilil kimilil Revert
#6324 - 3 years ago kimilil kimilil Revert