History of func_healthcharger

Revision User Message Revert
#8372 - 7 months ago kimilil kimilil minor edit on lead; added juice table; moved dmdelay explanation to notes; added notes on: angles/avelocity/triggering, CZDS-like instant use alternative, item_healthcharger
#8140 - 10 months ago kimilil kimilil rewords lead paragraph to remove ambiguous word "area" Revert
#6761 - 2 years ago Shepard62FR Shepard62FR Forgot to remove "dmdelay" from TFC specific attributes Revert
#6759 - 2 years ago Shepard62FR Shepard62FR Add "func_recharge" notice for armor Revert
#6758 - 2 years ago Shepard62FR Shepard62FR Add details Revert
#6055 - 4 years ago Captain P Captain P Attribute names are now bold Revert
#5185 - 5 years ago Penguinboy Penguinboy Merged TFC Revert
#837 - 15 years ago Oskar Potatis Oskar Potatis Minor Edit Revert
#836 - 16 years ago Penguinboy Penguinboy Group Fix: Empty [li] tags Revert
#835 - 16 years ago Penguinboy Penguinboy Initial Version Revert