Name: glass4. Create a brush of a crack and put it over the glass so when it is shot, it breaks.
Render Mode: texture
FX Amount: 90
Name: glass6. Create a brush of the AAA trigger texture and put it over the crack,
Render Mode: solid
FX Amount: 255
Target: multiglass8. Create the AAA brush over your button_target,
Render Mode: solid (this will make it invisible)
Name: glass10. Create an entity: ambient_generic and set to:
Render Mode: solid
Flags: Starts invisible
name: glasswave11. Create a multi_manager and set to:
wav name: glassbreak3 (or other sounds)
Volume: 10
Start Volume: 10
Flags: Start silent, not looped, small radius
Turn "Smart Edit" off and add the following with values of zero:That should do it. Follow these instructions and your glass will constantly respawn when broken ... without having to call the repair_entity (that's a joke!)
glass: 0
glasswave: 0
Add the following with values of 60 (or how long you want until the glass restores):
glass: 60
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