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Point EntityThis entity allows you to display preset text messages for the player.
- Name (targetname) - Property used to identify entities.
- Target (target) - When an entity is activated, it triggers the entity with the name specified by Target.
- Message Name (message) - The name of the message (see note below)
- path/filename.wav of WAV (messagesound)
- Volume 0-10 (messagevolume)
- Sound Radius (messageattenuation)<BR>0 = Small Radius<BR>1 = Medium Radius<BR>2 = Large Radius<BR>3 = Play Everywhere
- Play Once (1)
- All Clients (2)
- This entity only allows the use of predefined text messages. These are found in the 'titles.txt' file in the root of 'pak0.pak', in your 'Half-Lifevalve' folder. Browse the PAK with a PAK viewer (like <A HREF="">PakExplorer</A>), and open the 'titles.txt' file. The format is:<P>NAME<BR>{<BR>Message<BR>}<P>
This entity is only really useful for mods, where a custom 'titles.txt' file is distributed, either in the PAK, or in the mod's root folder. To see how to construct your own file, read through Valve's comments in their one.<P>
- Use the game_text entity referenced below for easier messaging that doesn't require distribution of anything but the map itself.