The env_render entity allows you to change the rendering properties of most of the visible
entities in the game (monsters, func_walls etc.), while the map is running. The four render properties of the env_render will be copied to its target. Exactly how different entities are affected by different render properties varies, so only general information about them will be provided below. If you require more specific information, check the entity guide page for the entity you want to alter.
- Render FX (renderfx) - Gives the entity certain visual effects depending on Render Mode.
- Normal (0) - No visual effects.
- Slow Pulse (1) - Entity slowly pulses with transparency. Faint.
- Fast Pulse (2) - Entity quickly pulses with transparency. Faint.
- Slow Wide Pulse (3) - Entity slowly pulses with transparency. Strong.
- Fast Wide Pulse (4) - Entity quickly pulses with transparency. Strong.
- Slow Fade Away (5) - Seemingly unused.
- Fast Fade Away (6) - Seemingly unused.
- Slow Become Solid (7) - Seemingly unused.
- Fast Become Solid (8) - Seemingly unused.
- Slow Strobe (9) - A very slow strobe effect between visible and invisible.
- Fast Strobe (10) - A medium strobe effect between visible and invisible.
- Faster Strobe (11) - A very fast strobe effect between visible and invisible.
- Slow Flicker (13) - Entity flickers in and out of visibility.
- Fast Flicker (13) - Entity quickly flickers in and out of visibility.
- Constant Glow (14) - Seemingly unused.
- Distort (15) - Entity has a slight fast pulsing of transparency.
- Hologram (Distort + fade) (16) - Entity has a slight fast pulsing of transparency. Fades out with distance.
- Render Mode (rendermode) - Allows special rendering modes to be applied to the given entity. Varies greatly with different types of entities.
- Normal (0) - Standard rendering. Render FX and FX Amount will generally have no effect.
- Color (1) - Usually applies a the colour specified in FX Color to the entity.
- Texture (2) - Usually allows the entity to become transparent.
- Glow (3) - Usually allows the entity to become transparent. Intended for sprites, and has further effects with them.
- Solid (4) - Usually allows the entity to become transparent.
- Additive (5) - Usually gives the entity an additive effect.
- FX Amount (1 - 255) (renderamt) - In all but "Normal" Render Mode, usually alters how transparent the entity is. Scales from 0 (invisible) to 255 (solid, normal).
- FX Color (R G B) (rendercolour) - Usually sets the colour applied to the entity when using the Color Render Mode.
- Target (target) - Defines the name of the entity the rendering properties will be copied to.
- Name (targetname) - Name is a general attribute used to identify entities.
- No Renderfx (1) - If enabled, the Render FX attribute will not be copied to the target entity.
- No Renderamt (2) - If enabled, the FX Amount attribute will not be copied to the target entity.
- No Rendermode (4) - If enabled, the Render Mode attribute will not be copied to the target entity.
- No Rendercolor (8) - If enabled, the FX Color attribute will not be copied to the target entity.
- This entity can be used to alter render properties on the fly. Among other uses, this can allow you to create the illusion of complex-moving objects that would be impossible to create with a single entity. By rendering visually identical entities visible/invisible at the same time, you could, for example, have a func_rotating door handle rotate downwards as though to open a door, then switch its visibility with another identical door handle already in the same position that can then rotate with the door.