info_compile_parameters - Point Entity
Introduced by Zoner's Half-Life Tools (ZHLT) and present in most forks (including Vluzacn's VHLT). It is a point-based entity that you can place in your map, from which you can select standard compile settings instead of using command line switches.
- HLBSP (hlbsp) - "" = Off, "1" = Normal, "2" = Leakonly
- HLCSG (hlcsg) - "" = Off, "1" = Normal, "2" = Onlyents (see Tutorial: Recompiling light only)
- HLRAD (hlrad) - "" = Off, "1" = Normal, "2" = Extra
- HLVIS (hlvis) - "" = Off, "1" = Fast, "2" = Normal, "3" = Full
- Ambient world light (0.0 to 1.0, R G B) (ambient)
- Chop size (chop) - Texture light chop size
- Clipping type (cliptype) - "" = Smallest, "0" = Normalized, "2" = Simple, "3" = Precise, "4" = Legacy
- Custom hullfile (hullfile)
- Custom WAD configuration (wadconfig)
- Direct lighting scale (dscale)
- Do not generate clipping hulls (nocliphull) - "" = Generate, "1" = Do not generate
- Do not strip uneeded clipnodes (noclipeconomy) - "" = Strip, "1" = Do not strip
- Estimate compile times? (estimate) - "" = No, "1" = Yes
- No sky clip (noskyclip) - "" = Clip sky, "1" = Do not clip sky
- Number of radiosity bounces (bounce)
- Priority level (priority) - "-1" = Low, "0" = Normal, "1" = High
- Smoothing threshold (in degrees) (smooth)
- Texture data memory (in KB) (texdata)
- Texture light chop size (texchop)
- Verbose compile messages (verbose) - "" = Not verbose, "1" = Verbose
- WAD auto detect (wadautodetect) - "" = Off, "1" = On