monster_bigmomma (Half-Life) Last edited 16 years ago2008-06-11 08:13:35 UTC

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Point Entity

Spawns the Mother Of All Headcrabs.


[li]0 = Normal [li]Render Mode (rendermode) - Controls the type of rendering that is used for an object. Options are: [li]TriggerTarget (TriggerTarget) - The event to trigger when the TriggerCondition is met. Used by monsters.[/li]
[li]Trigger Condition (TriggerCondition) - This controls the condition under which a monster will trigger its TriggerTarget. The options are: [li]FX Amount (1 - 255) (renderamt)[/li]
[li]FX Color (R G B) (rendercolor)[/li]
[li]Pitch Yaw Roll (Y Z X) (angles)[/li]
[li]Animation Sequence (editor) (sequence)[/li]
[li]First node (netname)[/li]





"Extremely anti-social, your temper is prevalent in nearly every situation. This results in fierce battles where you and your adversary eventually fight to the death. 'Anger management' is NOT part of your vocabulary or life-style. Your prolific reproduction rivals the growth of any bacteria. In the space of minutes you have spawned several offspring. Your tiny progeny immediately displays the aggressive nature that is so ingrained in your own psyche. You are prone to having microwave accidents." -slay

1 Comment

Commented 3 years ago2021-08-28 23:40:05 UTC Comment #103684
Big momma also know as Gonarch:
User posted image

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