
Meerjel014 weeks ago2024-05-02 14:58:25 UTC 4 comments
#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

class CObject
    void ExecuteDeb(int num)
        printf("Printing! %i ", num);

class CObjectLinker
    CObject* objs;
    int numObjs;

    CObjectLinker(int num)
        numObjs = num;
        objs = new CObject[numObjs];

    void StartExecute()
        int number = numObjs;


    void keepExecuting(int& curNum)

        if(curNum < 0)

int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
    CObjectLinker linker(4);

Might not be of interest but something.
Meerjel011 month ago2024-04-10 19:56:12 UTC 1 comment
Meerjel013 months ago2024-02-22 20:49:54 UTC 1 comment
User posted image
Meerjel014 months ago2024-01-23 13:47:30 UTC 0 comments
"It's important to comfort the children, but it's also important to challenge them too."

So when I get into a standard and get my projects on television, I will challenge the children with my cartoons! That's a part of my big dream here.
Meerjel018 months ago2023-09-05 18:05:59 UTC 0 comments
Meerjel0110 months ago2023-07-13 13:09:47 UTC 1 comment
I don't think I'm gonna make any games at all. I'm too distressed and depressed to work on anything all the time. And even if I succeed on getting something finished I'll mess things up and ruin my life even more. I've made something. The Barrel, a thing that I don't want to go inside off. I rather die young than ruin any more parts of my life.
User posted image
Meerjel0111 months ago2023-06-27 16:20:16 UTC 7 comments
User posted image
Meerjel011 year ago2023-04-19 16:07:18 UTC 5 comments
User posted image
Meerjel011 year ago2023-03-29 09:31:12 UTC 3 comments
It's true and I can't stop with it. I'm always wondering when I'm going to break down when I work on anything game related.
Meerjel011 year ago2023-02-27 16:56:02 UTC 3 comments
Modding consoles are a veteran job :)

I'm in regret again about the things that I did to people. Not just here but everywhere else. I'm too toxic okay?
It's okay to say that people are ignoring me because of my lackluster drawing skills and bad behavior.
Meerjel011 year ago2023-02-10 10:01:36 UTC 4 comments
Science Team
Meerjel011 year ago2023-01-16 13:31:36 UTC 3 comments
I have a confession that I have a part of me that I'm not proud of. I also am dearly sorry for what I did to people on the internet, not just here. The pain I caused made me a demon in my mind that might as well come out in the future fully. That's one of my major fears that I wish I could undo. I fear it not because of it today but it's later appearance. As I said, I'm NOT proud of it.

I thought over something whilst listening to a song and it moved me and I want it to be true. I want to be a good Meerjel. I'm extremely unfocused and might try to go over again but I need something to think about to keep away. Or receive something to stop being sad, cause when I get sad then it will harm more than myself. Hopefully one day I can break free and be what I want to be. And I hope everyone else has something to win that is worth it.

Meerjel011 year ago2022-12-26 16:30:15 UTC 6 comments
I did it
Work in progress.
Meerjel011 year ago2022-11-23 16:55:41 UTC 8 comments
I've made a cute animation
Meerjel011 year ago2022-10-23 09:42:51 UTC 5 comments
Do tell me if the video plays at all.