
X-LAyer213 years ago2011-07-03 02:20:24 UTC 14 comments
You know what I hate, links that open over your current page. Maybe I wanted to stay on that page internet?! Now I find my self right-clicking and pressing "open in new tab" for every link I click because I don't want to move off the page I'm already on. I also hate links that open a new window. Why is it so hard to just open the link in a new tab?
Oskar Potatis13 years ago2011-07-02 22:05:19 UTC 22 comments
I'm neunzehn Jahre alt. I don't throw big birthday parties so what'll happen later today (which an hour ago would be referred to as tomorrow) is, my oldest sister and her kids are coming over for coffee and hopefully there'll be presents and some sort of cake.
Captain Terror13 years ago2011-07-02 08:34:38 UTC 28 comments
Raise your hand if you use your laptop on the in the bathtub and/or on the toilet.

<raises hand>


Striker13 years ago2011-06-30 13:08:31 UTC 4 comments
Wazzup guys?

First of all, I got Minecraft! Yeah, some of you already know. What a cool game! You know what's the problem? Unlimited freedom limits creativity. It's just the way it is, let's admit it. Not totally, I still find this game incredibly fun. But by the time I finally get some redstone resources, and find the incredibly rare gold and diamonds on some maps(also lapis lazuli is as rare as particles in space) I get kind of bored to continue doing some circuits(never actually did until know, I should learn... I know the basics).
I also have a 2 favorite texture packs: Misa(64x64) and LB PhotoRealism(128x128). They both successfully replace the retro 16x16 without changing the general atmosphere or adding piercing-your-eyes eye-candy.

These days I was looking out of curiosity for some good ringtones, to replace one of the defaults my Galaxy Mini has. Although I didn't quite find something that was designed as a ringtone(I like ringtones to be Ring Tones, not cut up music tracks), I found a couple of ones that are just epicridiculous:

Ridiculous sheep with one having a grotesque hoarse sound

Breathtaking ringtone

Old Nokia tune that has an EPIC turnaround- with a bit of editing, I would extend a bit the "old" part

In other news, today I was rejected at the driving theory test(20 out of 26, min=22)... after I made so many fucking tests at home and made 2 tests at the school to prove myself I should give it a try. Now I have to stay 15 days until I can do the test again :...

P.S.: I am trying to help a friend get some votes, so please go here and give him a vote. There is not registering required, just a simple click.
Notewell13 years ago2011-06-27 11:03:57 UTC 16 comments
As of last Thursday, I was done my exams and finished with school for the summer.
Also, I have a poison ivy rash on my arm and it's really bothering me.
Luke13 years ago2011-06-27 02:38:56 UTC 10 comments
So there was a U2 concert in town. Something like 90,000 people went at over 95 dollars a ticket.

I got drunk and snuck in with two of my friends. We sat in the front row of the lower bowl.

I saved like 300 dollars and had a hilarious time.
ATDestroy13 years ago2011-06-22 23:06:55 UTC 17 comments
Yeah, a silly journal post, but oh well. Anyway, this guy, completely and utterly looks like our very own Archie

Anyway, in an attempt to add something substantial to this journal, consider this my official "I'm back" notice. Haven't been around here very much due to my graduation from high school, and all the shenanigans that come with that. So that being said, nice to be able to have time to come around here again!
Striker13 years ago2011-06-22 19:21:42 UTC 24 comments
Sorry to post another journal this fast, but I remembered something I did not post in my last one.

One of the comments 2 journals ago when I said I was leaving for a couple of days was.
"Withdrawing from a heavy TWHL addiction can be quite difficult. Symptoms include nausea, cold sweat, night fever, and diarrhea.", by 2muchvideogames.

Add to that "dreaming TWHL related stuff".

Yes, I dreamed being together with a TWHL member. I don't clearly remember all the sequence, but I know at some point I entered a train, sat down and had a friendly talk about "interesting things" (probably mapping). Then at some point, I accidentally dropped something from the train. So I said to him "wait, I'm gonna jump, get it and come back!". So I did. Unfortunately, although I was running really fast(I mean, FAST), the train was too far away to catch. And so the dream ended with me being extremely upset I didn't got to know him better, discuss more and become friends.

I am not going to tell you who the member was though. ([EDIT] Perhaps in the next journal)

Actually, to cut some boring moments of your life, try to think of what would have happened next if I could have got up on the train again. Imagine!

P.S. Man, this dream just fuelled my enthusiasm of maybe some day be able to make a TWHL meeting in real life. That would be so rad, bros!
TWHL is and will remain a special community because it has given to me one of the best friends. Although he left the community long ago, I still talk to him everyday.
brendanmint13 years ago2011-06-22 16:53:11 UTC 12 comments
So, lil ol me was about to test out Captain Terrors stuff when the internets told me to look at this And I was, NO FUCKING WAY. After 58 Failed attempts at making a workiong .obj file. IT WORKED. but it sucked. THEN IT WORKED AGAIN. So I renderd that shit. And I got this.
EDIT:hold on Drop Box Crapped out on me. Re-Rendering at a lower res. anyone know a good free site where i can upload High-Res Shit?
EDIT EDIT: Seems My computer is just being a Dick.
User posted image
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Striker13 years ago2011-06-21 15:50:57 UTC 10 comments
Hey guys! I'm back!

Also, new reason to reinstall my webcam.
Alabastor_Twob13 years ago2011-06-21 12:24:52 UTC 13 comments
I know I said in my last Journal post that I would try to come onto TWHL more, but due to a few things I found I simply didn't have time. My schedule for the next few months has cleared up though, so I think I may have time to rejoin the community.
I started mapping in the last few days, I was shocked at how much of it I had forgotten. Not necessarily techniques, but things like entity names and setups, texturing, stuff like that. I mapped a room yesterday, tried to add some atmosphere. It was a dismal efort.

There were a few things going on in the past few months that were more important than going onto TWHL. Definitely the biggest one of these was to do with my girlfriend, Aibhin. Due to a broken condom, and emergency contraception being unavailable, she became pregnant a while ago. I was scared about the whole thing at first, as being 18 and not having a job, I felt that we wouldn't be able to care for the baby properly. Even though it was the result of an accident, we still wanted it. Aibhin did especially, due to problems with her ovaries she's almost infertile, and she will likely not be able to conceive at all in a few years.
Therefore it was rather depressing when she miscarried in the beginning of April. She was approaching the fifth month of pregnancy, so it was a shock.

Anyway, all of that is over, and for the next few months I don't really have any responsbility, so I should hope to start mapping again.
Tetsu013 years ago2011-06-20 20:43:18 UTC 3 comments
My Map "In The Kitchen" Is featured on the front page of Planet Phillip today! Its part of 100 days of Nostalgia!

Why is it featured? I have no idea, it's pretty mediocre.

Definitely cool tho!
The Mad Carrot13 years ago2011-06-18 12:12:59 UTC 32 comments
Addicted to
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Striker13 years ago2011-06-17 12:49:22 UTC 10 comments
Goodbye, TWHL. I'm leaving you.(for a couple of days, haha!)

I'm going to be absent for a couple of days. Yes that's the main reason I asked for a delay on the TWHL map competition and I really hope I can make it for Sunday evening back. I'm going on a trip... by train. And, if you remember me talking about going on a trip in 2010(July I think), trains are damn slow in my country. Damn tiresome trips...

Not that many of you care so much about this anyway.

Where I'm going there are no interesting landscapes to shoot photos of, but I'm taking the camera just in case.

Well, goodbye. See you soon TWHL.
monster_urby13 years ago2011-06-16 10:51:29 UTC 5 comments
Just finished Duke Nukem Forever. I stopped with the playthrough videos because it was prolonging the experience and taking an age to render and upload the videos between each session.

If you want to watch playthroughs then there are hundreds of others online which are already played the whole way through.

Also FYI, the game gets progressively worse towards the end and I cannot recommend it to anyone.