
Habboi18 years ago2006-05-01 08:33:52 UTC 0 comments
Some of you may remember I wrote somewhere I am planning on working on an SP mod alone...

Well I have had many ideas and my main idea requires a good modeller and a coder...I have a good friend attempting to model but he seems to doubt his skills...

If anyone who can model or code and wants to know more about my mod then add me on MSN or PM me.
Habboi18 years ago2006-04-29 05:37:28 UTC 0 comments
Happy Birthday to...ME!

Yep, that?s right! I am officially 17 which means I am of legal age to drive a car.

Presents....presents....Yes well I got my main presents a while ago aka the 10MB Broadband - The best so far in the UK...Hey don't gloat 'Rest of the World'. Anyway I also ordered a game that still isn't out and I went on about it in my previous posts...

I received my first 'L' driving licence and a set of driving lessons...Soon I can drive to your houses!

Today I received loads of cards filled with money...I got clothes, Silent Hill series box from a great friend who always seems to get the perfect gift. I am ever so close to getting my 380 pounds coat Mwuaha!

Well wish me a Happy Birthday and this is Habboi signing off on the 29th of April 2006...When I look back at this...Laugh for me Will.


A picture:
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Don't I just look happy :D
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Driving license FTW *Is it 'Licence' or 'License'? Curse my bad spelling today.
Habboi18 years ago2006-04-19 07:00:27 UTC 0 comments
Eh...Want to know what?s happening in Habboi's World?

Ok I'll tell you:

First this Dedication project is tiresome...I will finish it but parts of it bring me down...Ideas may be scrapped or kept as secret rooms....

Second I'm addicted to Monster Hunter again on the PS2...

Third I have quite a bit of school work to do...Means less time for fun...

Fourth I look at map websites and shake my fist as I see great maps made by other people.

Fifth my arms feel like balloons because I was forced to carry a heavy projector / OHP from one side of the school to the other without any help...Going down stairs, opening doors etc...

Sixth I joined or partly formed the 'Epic Rising' team where we map as normal but we mainly advertise our maps with the logo and have a few servers hosting it. You can thank me and Psycho for the Epic Rising name? I had no idea you could have so much fun with random name generators.

Seventh I need 280 A level points if I am to pursue my career as a level designer at Staffordshire University.

Eighth I am starting to worry whether I can get the 280- points and what?s worse is I read most game companies use 3DS Max or XSI to make levels...Grrr I am not too fond of modelling!

Ok that?s enough ranting...
Habboi18 years ago2006-04-07 11:43:24 UTC 0 comments
Hello, the Gang-Life team has been working on their mod for some time and unfortunately we had a long lazy break during Christmas.

Now because of this we lost our only coder and we desperately need one like every other mod. Please don't be put off by the media on the site...Most of it is shown in the forums.

Right now we are close to dying and I am trying to get things moving one last time. Do you really want a dying mod on your conscience?


The coder must be able to compile weapons...We have loads!
The coder must be able to code us new game modes...
And he should be able to code HUD etc...

The coder doesn't have to do all of this but if you are gifted with one of these abilities then please do apply.

Contact me - Habboi - Level Designer @ or

Contact Mod leader if you wish on the forums.

Thank You.
Habboi18 years ago2006-03-23 14:30:04 UTC 0 comments
In my previous journal I mentioned I was updating my website well I am one page from finishing it but it doesn't make that much difference as I am changing it to 'Tutorials' instead of credits.

So go take a look if you will:


Nothing special but a lot better than my last site...I think you'll agree.

Dedication Report: Hm to be honest I hadn't touched the file in weeks because I was introduced to an anime called: Bleach...

Very addictive which is why I stopped working on it..Well that changed this afternoon as I started work on Elon's room. A bit of progress was made such as the main shape of the room and the floor clipped.

Tune in for more in the future.
Habboi18 years ago2006-03-15 06:57:13 UTC 0 comments
Just testing the new code Seventh added:


Anyway nothing to say really except haven't touched Dedication in about a week but don't fret because I am confident I will finish it.

This is mainly because I am working on a new website that smites that old shit one right out the front door.

Link will arrive sometime...
Habboi18 years ago2006-03-02 13:48:09 UTC 0 comments

Ok so when was the last time I posted here...GOD I say this every FRICKING TIME!

Anyway hmf you remember I said I was working on a Resident Evil REmake for Sven co-op which would just be one map like RECO for Sven co-op HL1.

Unfortunately 1. I lost interest and 2. I found it hard so I am taking a break to work on Dedication 2.

I have many applicants but not as many as I had hoped for...Maybe no-one cares...I started working on Tycell's but because his plan was well basic I didn't like it so I tried to incorporate the ideas but changed the environment ever so much aka instead of a hollow cylinder with liquid at the bottom and floating platforms I changed it to a swamp with poisoness liquid and mountains surrounding it with a stair case and warp points...It looks ok but somehow I don't feel it is well right to be put in...Grr this is a hard plan to follow Tycell!!!!!111

Erm apart from that I have had to work ever so hard on Coursework for Sixth Form such as the dreaded Maths Coursework which was supposed to take an hour but ended up taking 5 hours just figuring it OUT 0_O...

So as you can see I have been busy which is why Dedication has been slow however I also get bored of mapping so don't think I map everyday :P

On other subjects I am awaiting Kingdom Hearts 2 still which came out in Japan not too long ago and is due in America on the 28th of March. According to it will arrive on the 28th of April in the UK so I ordered it and hope for the best.

For those who don't know what KH2 is it is a PS2 game based off of Final Fantasy only you move around and fight like crazy...Words can't describe it so check it:

Fan Site:
Loads of Video's:

So I eagerly await that...I downloaded Onimusha 3 a while ago and completed that! Pretty good although the lazy bums didn't change the controls for the PC version so the stupid game say's press X, R1 etc...
The soundtrack is excellent so I downloaded it and so some of the songs will be in Dedication 2.

I feel like ranting a little but in the UK there are these stupid adverts that go on about how their insurance are the UK's number 1 etc but how the hell can companies claim that!? I mean they need proof...Graphs! ANYTHING! GRR they drive me crazy! AND what about that damn new WOMEN ONLY INSURANCE! THEY CLAIM WOMEN ARE SAFER DRIVERS! WTF!? That makes me laugh out loud!

Anyway I was browsing the KH2 forums and to skip boring details this guy sent me a link to a game type application site:

The link takes you to jobs but you can go on the homepage...
It has job applicants for those who wish to work in the game industry...This applies to most countries!!!

Only problem is it has enlightened me on the fact that you need a hell of a lot of experience and determination. Something I might not have...

You all remember my compo map for HL2 well sadly I don't think it is worthy for your eyes and there is nothing worth fixing so I guess a few pictures will have to do:

So it seems I have a lot time XD

Not long till my birthday in a sense...It's on the 29th of April which to me isn't very long at all. Soon I can learn to drive a car w00t...

People seem to like calling me sick...Strider uses this reference in his comic, I got an award from Good map, a guy on MSN called Dynamic dude who should be called Dynamicfuck because although I did act gay as his brother was on his account so I couldn't resist but annoy him...Then he complains the next day about me posting gay pics etc and I am like 'ssh you, go talk to your friend or something.'

Ok so enough of this typing...It has been fun writing this and like always I hope you enjoyed reading it.
Habboi18 years ago2005-12-17 07:57:11 UTC 0 comments
I map, therefore I am.

Good Quote by Slayer!

Not long now till Christmas and my compo map is going um well actually. Getting a bit bored of working on it but I know the end result will please some people especially Hunter so that keeps me going.

I fear I might not finish the whole idea planned but i'll still submit whats been made and hope for the best and finish it off for the public.

On a side note I just got cough Quake 4 and I must say it is as Zombieloffe said "Like Doom 3 with Speed".
Very fast paced and the indoor level design is great, can't say the same about the outdoors because they used 2D images as a distant background but it looks really bad.

Still I enjoy gameplay more than looks and so far it has entertained me and the sudden change in the plot ahem new legs...has angered me and now i'm having my revenge on the enemies...In other words i'm thinking what the player would think :S

School is over now even though I was ill so that didn't effect me...Had the mumps which is a virus that tries to attack the testicle area and then attaches itself to your thorat where it swells your glands. So you look like a Chipmunk...or a hamster:
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Anyway uhm I know what i'm partly getting for Christmas but my mum always suprises me ho ho ho :aghast:

I just decided to post a TWHL Present from me...A pic of my compo map so competitors know what they are up against:
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Ok anyway Merry Christmas folks...
Habboi18 years ago2005-12-06 09:46:30 UTC 0 comments

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Not long till Chirstmas...Looking forward to an Ipod.
I've not been up to much, been taking a break from Gang-life and i'm mapping for the Source Compo, been going well so far, still time grows short and my idea could take longer than expected, I don't want to submit a rushed map so if by some unlucky chance I don't finish it then i'll carry it on after the compo...
It is a good map and I hope to win...

School is well the same...Sixth Form powers are teh awesome though...

Nightfall my old mod updated, pretty nifty update, I got some emails from fans asking where my maps went, I told them I left...
Trust Valve to fix hammer, I can't bloody tell my func_door which way to move, hurry up and fix it Valve! I need a fully working beta, the beta is really good, needs the bugs to be fixed and i'm happy.

Um apart from that not much else, hope to see the rest of TWHL on Chirstmas day celebrating! *Awaits arrival of Chirstmas Day to make thread about how TWHL celebrated their Christmas...
Habboi18 years ago2005-11-06 09:34:54 UTC 0 comments
Well I wanted to post my first model thanks to the TWHL tutorial!
Ok so i forgot to place the vtf inside but I made a cube!

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Haha I feel all mighty now :)

Anyway i'm going to try to learn animating it, texturing still has me confused but i'll figure it out :)

Then i'm off to practice making real things like a table, chair etc...Onto guns :D
Habboi18 years ago2005-10-27 05:41:27 UTC 0 comments
Hm, does anyone ever get that happy smug look when a new mapper asks you questions about mapping and you help him. I love doing it as it makes me feel mighty ^^
Anyway not much has gone on in my week off...Went to friends houses and i'm doing my homework.

Sorta looking forward to an upcoming game that is going to end PS2 according to many reviewers.

The disney thing may put off many gamers but the story is deep! I just read the story again and I still get confused at bits but it has many messages of the heart and the gameplay makes it an awesome game. The original which got me addicted was a classic and KH2 will improve on all the old games factors!

PS3 is coming soon and i'm not sure whether to get it yet or not...It might be fun to play with friends but are there any good games made for it? Anyway the PC entertains me more than anything.

Technology is getting boring-ish but it is cool to produce your product once you've designed it. Currently finishing up my AS level coursework and should be done eventually.

Saco is so dumb sometimes though, I think he mis-understands me half the time and thinks he pwns me but I believe he is one of those:

'I am right all the time' people which I don't like so I usuallu just ignore snotty people like that. Lets see what happens in the near future.

People liked my TWHL project so I might make a new one in the near future. One with a certain madcow in it :)

I hope there is a Source compo because i've always wanted to enter one but they are too hard for me.

On the mapping side I haven't done much lately...I'm working for gang-life and they want me to make a skatepark with GeneralVivi.
I tried making a mario style map but that failed because of Valve's code! and my snow mountain test was ok but the fog was really screwed up.

Here is a bad pic:
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Anyway that is all...
Habboi18 years ago2005-10-23 07:35:03 UTC 0 comments
I'm gonna work on my map, IT'S SO AWESOME!
Habboi18 years ago2005-10-16 05:03:24 UTC 0 comments
Well I recently joined a mod :

All is well...
Nearly HR 17 (Thats like level 17 in RPG games) but very good because max is HR 20 and I need like 50,000 EXP to lvl up.

Site has been slightly updated!
Me and Hunter seem to be playing DM a lot with planes :)

I decided that i'm going to get back to the mapping so my next map is for CS:S as de_boshi was quite successful!

I started thinking what map I should make and I wanted something new so it hit me while I was humming a tune.


:glad: :glad: :glad:

I already started working out custom textures thanks to Moppen :) and the layout is yet to be decided.
Habboi18 years ago2005-10-06 11:24:05 UTC 0 comments
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