
monster_urby14 years ago2010-03-29 18:37:20 UTC 5 comments
Confession Time

I enjoy watching medical examinations on YouTube. I find it soothing. Am I strange? :|
DiscoStu14 years ago2010-03-29 15:54:59 UTC 2 comments
Need help with PHP!

I have a page that displays images from a directory passed through GET. I use this code to find out if the requested directory has images:

$eventcode = trim($_GET['event'])


$content = glob(strtolower($eventcode) . '/*.{jpg, JPG, jpeg, JPEG, png, PNG}', GLOB_BRACE);

However, I just found out that the glob instruction above returns false when all images have uppercase extension. Am I overlooking something?

Any insight will be greatly appreciated.
Notewell14 years ago2010-03-27 11:31:54 UTC 9 comments
My computer is now officially finished!
I've gotten my image manipulation programs, Firefox, Steam, Steam games, etc. Installed.
It's nice to play on a computer that you put your sweat, (figuratively) tears, (figuratively) and blood (literally :|) into.
And the advanced shaders in Source working like they're supposed to doesn't hurt, either.

Brb, Half-life & HL2 play-through.
monster_urby14 years ago2010-03-27 11:16:32 UTC 2 comments
Hey Guys!

So as some of you may know, Rimrook recently got his hands on a copy of Left 4 Dead 2. How did he do this? Well, he purchased it on Steam. Whoo!

However the money required to make such a purchase was provided by the lovely Archie of Scotch and Coffee.

Check out this video to for our recent competition results and see Rimrook's winning entry.

If you are interested in getting your hands on some steam games or even goods from, check out our latest competition here.

It's so simple you can do it in MSPaint! ;)
Rimrook14 years ago2010-03-24 00:57:32 UTC 10 comments
Left 4 Dead 2 is JUST simply the best blend of game for me. I've given a good play so far and I simply LOVE it! I love it just as much as TF2 only I don't get so pissed off at it since its co-op.

I have Huntey to thank for the game! Thanks Huntey!
Livewire14 years ago2010-03-23 18:47:14 UTC 5 comments
During Monday whilst in college, one of my tutors started a discussion with the class about all the possibilities there are in the music industry, me being the only drummer in the class he used me as an example and said that I could be a drum technician for a band, which is basically the drummers assistant, setting up his kit, making sure nothing goes wrong, moving it to different venues ect.

Now, I'm not a negative person, I'm actually rather positive! But I know that it won't be easy to get into at all, drummers will be looking for someone with experience, I'm not saying that I don't have any... I've been playing drums since the age of 10 and can maintain them very well, aswell as set mic's up and all that jazz, but I just don't see it possible to get in touch with a band and the next minute you're drum teching for them.

That was our disagreement, I believed he was making it sound too easy and effortless, so he asked me for my current favourite band, to which I replied Architects, and I gave him the bands email.

I said that if he could get me, an 18 year old Welsh guy from the valley's of North Wales to drum tech for a band almost effortlessly, I'd eat my shoe infront of the class.

But you see, this is what is worrying me now, my tutor can 'talk the talk' you could say, he sounds professional when he writes letters and stuff, so what if he gets carried away and says a load of shit about me, which actually impresses the drummer and he hires me. I won't be what he expects, especially since I have no "real" drum tech experience so It'll be humiliating as hell. But so is eating a shoe infront of a class.

But I'm keeping positive about it (told you!) my tutor would have either have forgotten to send the email (conviently) or got a response which was a flat-out no. I like to think of it as a win-win situation for me.

Would be cool if I drum tech'd for Architects though, Dan inspires me a lot, I'd get to see him play live almost everyday.
Jessie14 years ago2010-03-23 05:54:59 UTC 2 comments
I've been re-reading the Discworld series by Terry Pratchett.
He's a really good author, one of the few I would actually go out of my way to get books by. I like the sense of humour he shows through his writing. I recommend this series for those of you who like fanatasy and/or humorous books.

EDIT: I can't write long, in-depth reviews. That's all you get.
srry14 years ago2010-03-22 23:06:42 UTC 3 comments
My school's auto shop is apparently being shut down next year. I am disappoint.

Upon the teacher's suggestion I'm starting a petition (useless as those are) to try to keep it alive, and my father is probably going to speak at some board meeting or somesuch to urge against ditching it. It's only one more year for me, but an infinite number of years for future students. Whatever, all good things come to an end.

In other news, I haven't opened VHE in months.
Habboi14 years ago2010-03-22 18:08:05 UTC 2 comments
So God of War 3 anyone? Pretty awesome stuff, a bit short for my liking and lack of replay besides daring yourself to raise the difficulty. Honestly the first 20 minutes are pure epic with some great action and clever use of camera angles all combined with a music score worthy of the gods.

But nearer the end it feels like they rushed it and funny enough they did say they cut out a huge chunk of the ending to work on other aspects of the game and that they may release as DLC someday.

Anyway it's awesomely gorey with things like slicing nipple flesh off of Hades, punching the f**k out of Hercules till his face is mush, cutting off Hermes' legs, poking out poseidon's eyes etc. Real epic moments that made me yell out "DAAAAAAMN".

Is it worth money? Meh not really, a rent for sure however the collectors edition which has all three games is a sure money spender :>
Kurosaki Ichigo14 years ago2010-03-22 05:08:22 UTC 5 comments
Brother picked this whilst he was in the city:
User posted image
Part of my childhood

hlife_hotdog14 years ago2010-03-21 09:59:00 UTC 3 comments
Me and my fiancee just had a very public Facebook arguement about finding actors, singers and other celebrities 'Hot'. The status has over 50 comments, including a few futile people trying to break it up.

Little do they know how unique our relationship is. We basically know how much we love each other and will gladly attempt to tear each other a new one just for the sake of it. It's stress relief for us.

The funny thing is the silly people who are trying to intervene, they were lucky this time but next time they might lose an arm!! Haha
Habboi14 years ago2010-03-20 12:54:47 UTC 11 comments
Not new but a composer for the animated series Samurai Champloo died recently.

A shame really because he made music that I like a lot and I'm very picky with my music plus he combined it with one of my favourite animated series which wouldn't be the same without it.

You might like some of his tracks so I'll link two:
satchmo14 years ago2010-03-19 16:36:47 UTC 1 comment
I saw Dark City for the second time last night.

The first time I saw it, it just came out in the theater in 1998. I only have vague memories of the film, but I remember it was an enjoyable movie.

I have no regret revisiting the "Dark City" universe. I highly recommend this film, especially if you like the sci-fi genre.
Notewell14 years ago2010-03-19 15:43:26 UTC 5 comments
EDIT: Tower is put together. Too tired to test it out and get it running tonight. I only had a few hitches, all of which are fixed (except for a mis-calculation in where the ports on the graphics card went, but that was dust-proofed by some tape, so no harm done.)
Can't wait to boot up HL+HL2 on it :)

Original post:
Components for my computer arrived today.
Looking forward to putting it together later.