
Striker14 years ago2010-02-03 21:16:14 UTC 8 comments
In response to Joebama's journal.

I don't understand how L4D can be a great game, have great campaigns(with literally no storyline at all). Maybe the best thing about the game is visuals??(which are seriously outdated on modern computers like mine that run fluently games like crysis). No, I have nothing about graphics, I play games like OpenTTD for example.

My problem is with Valve's big theft of money. Grand Theft Valve. They exploit every part of their fucking outdated source engine to squeeze that last bit of money, because they are so LAZY to actually produce something new.

Zombies, killing like an idiot and stupid NPCs. I suggest you try Painkiller if you want something better.
L4D2 just strengthened my opinion on their hunt for money. The worst part is that they create a sick virtual world for most of the pre-adolescence boys which are very influenced by such kind of games.

But stop whining The_(c)Striker. You and the rest of other critics. It's useless. Popularity means all. I almost have nothing to comment on the game, but I express my opinions because the game is just overpriced. Seriously, it costs more than a game where somebody USED their mind to produce PUZZLES and a storyline like ep2 for example. L4D should fucking cost less that 5 euro.

Lumea asta e cu picioarele in sus...
DiscoStu14 years ago2010-02-03 17:51:16 UTC 11 comments
It rained earlier today and my window was open. The carpet in my room got wet. Does anyone know of an effective way to dry it?
satchmo14 years ago2010-02-03 02:32:53 UTC 4 comments
Andrew Wakefield should be prosecuted for espionage.

He is currently hiding in the United States because the British General Medical Council is after his medical license.

Vaccines do not cause autism.
Tetsu014 years ago2010-02-02 02:26:41 UTC 5 comments
This is how it sounds: Clicky

So if anyone remembers my rant 2 weeks ago, i solved my problem (Which op-amp to use for a tremolo pedal) And i also ordered a crapton of parts online. The last of which came in the mail today while i was in class. So naturally, i tear everything apart, search for some wire i had hanging around, and i start prototyping.

I get the thing built, and it runs. Perfectly. First try. I couldnt believe it.
I couldn't build the whole thing because i ran out of solder so i cant connect my other bypass switch, or the other 2 pots i need for the tremolo circuit..
Here's some breadboard shots of the distortion circuit:

Up-close shot of the fucking enormous capacitor that i need to find a replacement for:
User posted image
Here's another shot showing power in, the bypass switch, and the clipping-diodes (orange things near the top right part of the giant black capacitor)
User posted image
And here's my old guitar hooked up to the input, and you can see the output going to my computer.
User posted image
I'll post some more pics of the rest when i can get down to Radio Shack and pick up some more solder (and some replacement caps for the behemoths)
Also i'll pick up my actual guitar amp so i can hear what it sounds like for real instead of out of my computer speakers.... Cant hear shit outta them because there's no pre-amp going into them, there's only about 500mV coming from the ass-end of the guitar pedal, i'm surprised the speakers could play that at all =]
hlife_hotdog14 years ago2010-02-01 20:49:34 UTC 5 comments
I think I've transitioned to the source engine more permanently now. I expect I might make a map or two for Goldsource, but I think I'm hooked on Source =/

Is this a good thing?
Tito14 years ago2010-01-31 21:46:20 UTC 10 comments
When I first started to read this news report, I said to myself "what a waste of tax payer's money"! I mean come on, the government buying a shit load of PS3's to do a technical experiment? Well, I hope it gets some very, very, very good results, because if it does not and the way the economy is, some Air Force General's head will be on the proverbial chopping block:
srry14 years ago2010-01-31 18:16:18 UTC 20 comments
I have the chance to travel to a rural French village to attend a relative's wedding this summer, but I don't know if I want to go or not. The idea of traveling to a place where nobody outside of my family speaks English scares the shit out of me, not to mention I'm too self conscious to try and blurt out patched together sentences from some English-to-French phrasebook. The opportunity for uncomfortable social situations is staggering.

It's this or I stay at home alone for a week.
Habboi14 years ago2010-01-31 14:27:17 UTC 7 comments
I watched another scary film this weekend and this time it was Paranormal Activity.

Yeah. When I watched Hunter's Vlog on it and he said the hype always raises your expectancy I didn't expect it to be as low as can be.

I mean I didn't hold my hopes high and was really excited for a movie to scare me but it flopped and the fact that I kept singing the tune from The Twilight Zone whenever it was night time really said it all.

Hell White Noise 2 made me jump more and that wasn't even scary. I still hold The Grudge high though despite people saying it's shit cause it's Americanised unlike the real Ju-On which I've not seen and never will.

I think the difference between Grudge and Paranormal Activity is that there's something visual to see that haunts your thoughts as you wait for the scare to happen whereas they relied too much on sounds and acting.

Your thoughts?
Livewire14 years ago2010-01-30 17:38:09 UTC 2 comments
It's started snowing again, which is annoying because the UK is absolutely pathetic when it snows, everyone and everything just stops working!

Alot of people avoid driving in the snow because they get too scared, I rather see this as an oppertunity to get some experiance while having less control as usual, it's not as bad as people think.

Also, that nightclub I went to last night, I forgot to tell you guys that one of my friends didn't get in because he had no I.D now, this guy is taller than me, he has a buigger build than me and pretty much a full beard happening, he goes up to the door and gets refused entry, I walk up to the door after him and the bouncer (massive guy with a tattoo on his FACE) just looks at me, I'm smaller, less of a build and have next to NO facial hair than my friend.

I hand over my I.D, the bouncer gives me a smile and says Happy Birthday to me, and right on in I go.

So yeah, past few days have been funny!

Oh, I also have a favour to ask of you guys, I've been using Lockerz for a while now and gathered up a fair amount of points, but If I invite 20 friends to the website I got double points, which means I could get some pretty awesome prizes, if you are not already signed up and want to be, would you mind leaving your email in the reply? You only need to fill in the info once and never go back if you so wish, but it will help me out greatly! - that's the website, let me know if you want an invite.

Daubster14 years ago2010-01-30 15:26:53 UTC 8 comments
Hey, long time no post.

Psychonauts was available for ?1 on Steam a few days ago. Luckily, that was just the amount I had left in my account. Took me 17 hrs to finish the beast, and I have to say, I haven't been that impressed with a game since my first playthroughs of HL.

While it's nothing too revolutionary gameplay-wise (although it's fairly fluid and clean for the most part), the story/writing and art were absolutely mind-boggingly awesome. The variety of places you see and the attention for detail in each of them created an insanely vivid, colourful and just plain beautiful experience. Black Velvetopia and the Milkman Neighborhood have got to be some of the awesomest places ever designed for a game.

Another thing to note is how nicely the environments/mood of the game progress from playful, fun & colourful to absolutely insane mindfuck. Not something you see pulled off that well very often.

The writing, jokes and references were absolutely bang-on as well, keeping a wide smile on my face for the most part. (Except for the teeth-grindingly-tedious obstacle courses during the last stages.)

My only problem was it got rather repetitive/tedious during the later, more harder stages, but even then the sheer beauty of it kept me going and wanting more.

Overall, well done, Double Fine. Quite simply, that's how you do it. I almost feel guilty about paying only ?1 for a masterpiece. Absolutely worth its current price (?5.99) if you're looking for a true experience.

To mark the occasion (and the beauty of it all), new avatar!
hlife_hotdog14 years ago2010-01-30 13:23:57 UTC 3 comments

I DID IT!!! I spent 15 straight hours, several Wiki and video tutorials and much of my sanity, but I finally got a fully working L4D nav graph made for my first level in my 5 level campaign...

Yeah...I'm stuffed...and insane...
User posted image
Still a WIP, but just a bit of detailing to do...
Livewire14 years ago2010-01-29 15:40:38 UTC 17 comments
Dear TWHL,

I turned 18 on the 25th, and I also bought a new car.

That is all, thanks.
DiscoStu14 years ago2010-01-29 00:53:53 UTC 17 comments
As some might have already seen in previous journal posts, I'm working on a website for work.

As I have complete freedom over the design, I chose to make it in PHP to learn a new technology. It's going pretty well (special thanks to Penguinboy for pushing me in the right direction with CSS), but I'm facing a new obstacle right now. I don't think it's directly related to PHP though.

I need to make a conditional redirect, but I find I don't even know how to make a "normal" redirect.

The intended design is:

a.php has a textbox and a submit button. Enter the right string and you are redirected to b.php?event=stringentered . With a wrong string you just come back to the same prompt, maybe with an error message.

b.php only needs to send you back to a.php when no string is passed to it.

Right now, I only have one php page that does both, and it works, but I think it's a mess and I wonder if it would be "cleaner" with two pages instead.

Does anyone have an idea? :)

[PS. I could really use some text formatting features here such as bold, italics, etc. like in forum posts...]
brendanmint14 years ago2010-01-28 20:42:14 UTC 4 comments
I have known about this video for a bit, but just now thought to put it in a journal, its this its really awesome, i wanted to make a half life/2 version, but it didn't end well. i dunno, i think this video is cool, what do you guys think? my favorite part is when Adam lights Jamie on fire.