
Rimrook15 years ago2009-08-11 11:07:32 UTC 19 comments
was bored


EDIT2: MY DRIVE WAS FOUND TODAY! THE MODEL BELOW STILL EXISTS! Luck up the ass today! :happypanda:
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EDIT: Just finished doing that Windows 7 burn... I could have it soon. Now I need to find a way to backup all of my files.
hlife_hotdog15 years ago2009-08-11 07:02:09 UTC 7 comments
Is recooperating after successfully saving my computer from a complete Windows corruption! Thank god for recovery disks :D

However, I am now forced to set up my computer again, but my D drive was spared from restoring but I still need to reinstall all my C based programs like Steam, MSN, ect...yuk :(
Unbreakable15 years ago2009-08-10 18:32:39 UTC 7 comments
Tetsu015 years ago2009-08-10 08:55:01 UTC 10 comments
Hey fellas. Turns out I'm clinically depressed! Could explain why I lack motivation for anything.
Things with the ex are going wierd. We spend all weekend chilling and just talking and I think we're on the verge of getting back together but I'm not going to let that happen because idk wtf is going on with me.

Therapy starts Thursday. I'll keep ya posted.

Oh and..

TF2 FTW. Finally gave it a second chance, and i'm glad I did.
Edit - My state is a bit wierd:
=NH= Yodalman15 years ago2009-08-09 16:30:30 UTC 30 comments
I was forced to pirate my game just to play it.

Alright so today i decided to launch counter-strike source, no problem, so i simply double click on the game to launch, it launches, the window flashes for about a quarter of a second then it closes.

After that i tried running it again, no go, so i verify the gcf's, no go, i even defrag the gcf's, i checked "source engine.gcf" and guess what, it hasn't been fully acquired, now, when i verify a game, i expect it to TELL me that one of the gcf's has a problem, it didn't, so i delete "source engine.gcf" and restart steam.

Steam's fix is just simply amazing, it remakes the gcf in about half a second, and it remakes it broken again, i just simply have to say to valve "bravo for being lazy asses", right now i delted EVERY single gcf in my steamapps folder, i deleted my username folder as well, and am currently re-downloading the whole game again, which would be the only choice i have, other then downloading the gcf off of the pirate bay or something.

Now, if steam is so awesome and user friendly, why would they make it so that if i want to play my game, i re-download it?

How does that make ANY logical sense?

It makes as much sense as the fact that you HAVE to go online in order to play a game (yes i realize there is offline mode), not to mention the fact that hl2.exe still checks for the steam server, what would steam do if it found a connection? format my hardrive? download viruses to my computer?

It makes no sense for steam to check for the steam server's in offline mode, does it not trust me when i told it that i don't have a internet connection?

I am now downloading counter-strike source in hope that it doesn't grandly fuck up again, if not I'm uninstalling steam, i have had enough of the countless "this game is currently unavailable" messages, let alone the "steam servers are currently too busy to handle your request" messages.[/rant]

There, i said it, steam sucks.

EDIT: I guess i should be preparing for the "Your internet connection sucks, so it's not steams fault" crowd?

Oh, and the "You computer sucks it's not steam's fault"
or the
"Buy the game you pirate"
""Currently re-downloading" buy the game you idiot!"
or the
"You just don't know how to use steam, so you suck" crowd too.

Update: Steam is now un-installed.

Update2: Non-steam counter-strike source has also been installed, enjoying my pirated game without the hassle of steaming-pile-of-****, thank you very much valve.

^^ This is going to get me banned, but that's a good thing, i don't see any advantages to being in this place anyways, only disadvantages.
saw183315 years ago2009-08-09 12:08:46 UTC 4 comments
Alas, my slightly strange, mostly depressing, journey comes to a close. I have found a 3800SC motor with 70k on it for $400. Very surprising, but I'm so very happy. Monday we're going to call the shop and get that beast over there. I'd like to expect I'll have my vehicle by the end of the week.
Unbreakable15 years ago2009-08-08 14:12:03 UTC 5 comments
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Just finished a robot in Maya, its a US Infrared camera mounted on a 6-legged robot.
NineTnine15 years ago2009-08-08 07:19:46 UTC 7 comments
allright allright, i give up

whats up with the flippen V for vendetta masks?
monster_urby15 years ago2009-08-07 18:59:37 UTC 13 comments
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Its a very strange sensation knowing that this time tomorrow the last 5 dreadful years working in a supermarket will be behind me. Yes, tomorrow at 4pm I hang up my green body warmer for the last time and head off into my career.

Overall emotion at the moment? Overwhelmingly Nervous.

I guess driving 10 minutes to my old hometown to print price labels for 9 hours a day got far too routine and in the end I just did it without thinking. The next couple of months are going to be a nightmare.

First off, my new job is in Shrewsbury which is an hours drive from my house. Fuel and keeping my 14 year old car roadworthy will definatly run my bank account into the ground faster than I would like.

Secondly, I'm no longer working with my finacee. We see each other most of the day and complain about the assholes we work with when we get home. Its nice. Now when I leave the house she'll either have left already or be in bed still depending on her shift. In the evening when I get home I'll only have a few hours before I'll need to sleep in preparation for the travel the next day.

The good points? Well, its the start of a career in Web Design for one of the UK's busiest e-commerce website providers. It's more money and goes up even more after a couple of months. Also, as luck would have it, the very same company hired 3 of my friends from college recently. :D

Anyways, I've been moaning for long enough and I suppose nobody really cares about this stuff. I just felt like typing out my thoughts...meh

Best get some sleep. Last shift starts in 7 hours...

tl:dr? New job causes conflict of emotions.
Captain Terror15 years ago2009-08-07 18:08:54 UTC 8 comments
bought a new mouse and it has changed my life.

tracks 50% better than my old mouse--old version of the same led mouse--, and it's pretty to look at, especially when i go to sleep.. (aww)

anyway, as far as corded mice go, i give it a very high recommendation, carry on.


Taylor15 years ago2009-08-06 07:03:45 UTC 10 comments
Lots of beer:
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An over-sized inflatable woman for one of our mates as birthday present:
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Lots of water to dive in:
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...oh yeah, and Guitar Hero:
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Epic holidays at Lake Balaton. :>
Tito15 years ago2009-08-05 20:23:39 UTC 19 comments
I know is common knowledge there are always some strange listings on eBay. Anyway, I just came across this one listing that I don't really know what to think of right away. Here's what it is all about:

"A woman from the state of Arkansas (USA) is offering the opportunity to name her seventh child to the highest bidder, starting at $150. The unemployed mother of six has posted an auction on eBay in hopes that she will receive enough money to buy a "trustworthy" car and to relieve her sister's burden of supporting her cash-strapped family".

So, anybody here thinks this is a good idea? I mean, how would you feel if you all of a sudden found out that some stranger bought out the rights to name you at birth, and all this time you were under the assumption that it was mom and dad the ones who gave you your name?

In your eyes, would you see this as a betrayal to the parental trust and bond you have with your parents? After all, common sense of the heart says it should be your parents (or some other close family member) that should have the right to name you.

Here's that eBay listing in question:
Striker15 years ago2009-08-05 07:42:07 UTC 5 comments
This made my day :

Dude, 10 meters high ! I once made a mistake like this one too, but it was from 1 meter and my back hurt that I just pissed on myself...

[EDIT] I just returned from a smelly tastey bbq. mnom mnom mnom said my mouth !
satchmo15 years ago2009-08-05 00:55:10 UTC 6 comments
So, the Sennheiser headphone finally arrived. I am a bit late opening up the package and reviewing it because I just finished one of those 30-hour hospital shifts.

The packaging is decent. Not overly impressive, but sufficient. The headphone also comes with a gold-plated 1/4" adapter, which is nice, except that I don't have any use for it.

The ear cups fit over my ears very comfortably. I wore it for about an hour, and I wasn't bothered by it at all. This is in contrast to the old wireless Sennshiser headphone that I own.

The cord is extremely long. I think it's more than three meters. I guess the manufacturer doesn't want anyone to complain that the cord is too short. Storing such a long cord can be annoying sometimes.

Finally, when I tested the sound, I have to say that I am somewhat disappointed. The bass isn't necessarily loud, but it doesn't go as low as I would like. Compared to my $25 speakers with subwoofer, the low-frequency sounds don't come out as low in the headphone.

Otherwise, the sound is clear and crisp. Maybe I haven't broken in the headphone yet. This is only after a few hours of listening.

I guess for $20, I can't really complain much about the sound quality.

Overall, I am satisfied with my purchase. It's impossible to beat the price of this headphone. Any other headphone around $20 sound like a group of rabid squirrels being overrun by feral cats.
Livewire15 years ago2009-08-04 18:28:50 UTC 6 comments
A few things have happened this week...

I've joined a mod team, along with Habboi. The mod is called Pipe Dreams and I joined it because it has some pretty crazy ideas, new ideas which havent been done before. So this naturally got me interested, at the moment we're gathering momentum and putting ideas down, so hopefully the mod will take off soon.

Apart from that I'm now drumming in a band, the guys who are in the band are also in my college course so I ended up writing all the drum parts for their songs. Long story short they didn't like stand in drummers so they persuaded me to join. I'm now playing at an arts theater on the 29th of this month, Manchester Academy sometime in September and then Liverpool Academy later this year.

All venues are rather large, bigger than anywhere I've played before so this will be pretty interesting. The band have played in Manchester Academy before, but only as an acoustic, so It's good we're going back with a bigger sound. They said you get the whole VIP treatment, which includes the VIP tag, dressing room and they even give you a bottle of water to go on stage with.

It'll be recorded but It's still some time until the actual show, so I'm gunna get my drumming hat on and start burning my fingers.