
Habboi19 years ago2004-12-29 14:54:39 UTC 0 comments
Wow been a while again since i stepped my feet in here well lets get down to business:

i started mapping for hl2 a while ago and now that the full sdk is out i can actaully make a map that isnt buggy :D

i started hanging around snarkpit as i like it there more (people there are more friendly :P)

i seem to be getting better at helping others on snarkpit and my mapping has improved a lot since my last map here :lol:

i learnt never to submit a map unless its good :D Anyway happy new year when it comes and i wish all to a success of good maps throughout the year ;) im counting on you all!
Habboi19 years ago2004-11-27 06:19:56 UTC 0 comments
hmmm havent been in here for a while lets see ok well i suppose i have played hl2 and finished it :( now i want to map for it so i think ill make my school as its a request by mates!!! the only buggering problem with source is the lights and water

There blooming hard to get to work as the lights are first fullbright then they suddenly go dark the next time i compiled grrr and the water seems to go purple and even have weird glitches

it is pissing me off i just hope i can solve it!
Habboi19 years ago2004-09-26 06:52:49 UTC 0 comments
ok i am working on mod but i think i should make it a map pack really but it will have cartoon models, reskinned guns, and new textures but i dont want to spend too much time on it as hl2 is out soon so it would waste my time unless i can covert it to hl2 terms

that wud be great

also this is a request but would any1 like to make the mod with me, it basically goes like this:

after black mesa you take an order from g man to investigate weird deaths in a lab place

now you go there but you notice that the same aliens from b4 are back but have changed to cartoon style

even the lab and weapons are cartoony with cow sounds for shooting and cat noises for swiping etc

you investigate it and as you progress more and more of the level turns cartoony and you enter the alien world once more to discover that the cartoon is coming from there!

what do you think of this idea!
i have started it by making a lift that takes you down to the dephs of the underground lab

email me at if you wish to help or youve got ideas (make sure you name email 'mod help' so i wont think its a virus and delete it!)

thnkyou for taking your time and reading buh bi :D
Habboi19 years ago2004-09-06 08:30:19 UTC 11 comments
umm pretty bored need to map for cs or sumthing maybe i should make a knife map but i would need research and proberly help hint hint jk unless ther was sum1 willing to help build a knife map wit me im also making a mini mod type thing and you start in a subway train watching scientists walk by and it stops at the end and leads on to a monarrail which leads on to the buildings and soon the plot of the mod etc very much a lot of work ther any1 interested plz call