
AJ16 years ago2008-06-15 01:52:00 UTC 8 comments
Laptop went in for repair yesterday, so I won't be online for who knows how long. I'm typing this from work, and I really shouldn't be!
Skals16 years ago2008-06-14 16:55:42 UTC 7 comments
This is your 2350th login.

:| <-- Mouth has been shut for technical reasons.
monster_urby16 years ago2008-06-14 04:08:30 UTC 1 comment
Remember that little journal entry rant I made a few weeks back? Well...

My new Homepage / Portfolio is online!

It now includes a link to a wordpress blog which is where my new "Talking to myself" entries will be posted. Feel free to drop in and comment if you like. :)
naserve16 years ago2008-06-13 00:33:18 UTC 13 comments

Been playing MGS4 all day long. Its a friggin uber game. By far the best MGS yet. I'm on Shadow Moses right now, around 10-11 hours into it. Because I own at MGS1 I made it into the facility in Snake's dream, so I now have his head from MGS1 as face camo. I also now wear the Young Snake with Bandanna all the time. I havn't played online since the beta, so idk how good it is. But so far this game rocks. I've beaten 3 of the 4 beasts so far.
Mariowned16 years ago2008-06-12 22:39:30 UTC 8 comments
Just got my new belt in brazilian jiu jitsu. Went from white to white/blue belt. Now I get to pwn noobs in the intermediate classes.
AJ16 years ago2008-06-12 22:28:35 UTC 10 comments
I've been using the Opera Internet browsers for a long time now: since version 6 or 7. I've been a pretty dedicated user and anyone who knows me will know I'm pretty vocal about Opera's superiority over competing browsers.

Opera 9.5 was released yesterday and for the first time ever, it feels like they've taken a step in the wrong direction. The new skin that it starts with is, frankly, crap: it's messy, the icons are unclear and it generally feels uncomfortable. I found the original Opera skin and applied it, but even then I had to fiddle with the layout in order to get it as close as I could to the original version. Honestly, if you're going to make such an abrupt change, why would you completely ditch the previous layout and skin? Some people LIKED it.

The Mail and RSS are somewhat updated as well, with a better database system in order to make it faster to import and read. While I have noticed some speed boosts, the changes made to the GUI make it rather annoying and they didn't fix issues that should've been fixed ages ago. For starters, spam email still shows up in the Received folder: if it's marked as spam, why the hell isn't it seperate from the normal mail? RSS feeds are now more closely related to the Mail client. Everytime a new RSS feed comes in, Opera automatically opens the 'Feeds' section in the mail bar and doesn't close it. I access my feeds through the 'Feeds' menu in the top bar and not through the mail client, so all this does is make a mess of the mail bar.
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See the Trash icon there? In Opera 9.2, the trash is shared by all mail accounts and the RSS feeds. If you emptied the trash from any account, it will empty all the trash. Now they've decided that's not good enough: you have to manually switch the mail account (using the thing under the 'Compose' button) and empty the trash for each account, including the RSS feeds.

Overall, Opera doesn't quite feel like Opera anymore. Perhaps I'm not used to it yet, but it seems to lack the stability that Opera 9.2 had. Not that crashes or anything, but it just feels...flimsy. I'm disappointed that they've changed stuff in Opera and not for the better. I only hope that other users feel the same way I do and barrack for changes in a future update.
Habboi16 years ago2008-06-12 09:18:26 UTC 4 comments
I received MGS4 this morning and I've been playing it since 11 to 2 and so far I am hugely impressed with the presentation and the quality of the game.

I am also a little shaky because I felt like I was really in the warzone @_@

I just did the part where you fight the FROGS and I'm about to approach Liquid...

Gameplay has been improved and I actually smiled when the intro music played because I had a feeling they'd use that particular song. It's a deep game and I have found it easy to follow so far!

If you have a PS3 then it is a must buy!

Spoiler Theory

When you meet the gun launderer he injects you with suppressor nano machines to let you use the ID guns. If I recall in a trailer Snake and the soldiers around him struggle to move etc and my bet is these new nano machines are also going to suppress Snake...

I'll find out after lunch :>


Yup I was right ^^

A lot has happened but generally we've left the East and gone to rescue Naomi. Snake rescues her only to find out that his aging is due to his design as a clone and not because of FOXDIE. Also the foxdie has mutated inside of him because he has aged so much which means in 3 months it will not be able to decide who it is programmed to kill so it will become a virus that will kill a lot of people.

So in other words looks like Snake has to die :<

Then Naomi spotted another FOXDIE cell which I think was injected by the weapons dealer and just as she is about to scan it she gets taken out of the room by PMC's and Snake is attacked by one of the Beasts aka the octupus one...So right now I'm fighting her and she uses her suit to change into anything...A minute ago she was the MK 2 but a giant version so I shot a rocket at her ^^

Oh also turns out The Patriots aren't human...they're AI and they control soldiers with nano machines connected to the 'system'...

Vamp has appeared and seems to be an ally with the 4 beasts...Raiden dissapeared after the second game and so Rosemary (his girlfriend) ended up marrying the Campbell aka the colonel.
LCP16 years ago2008-06-10 19:08:38 UTC 15 comments

I have a confession to make,

I never beat hl1...
Strider16 years ago2008-06-08 21:08:26 UTC 42 comments
My alarm clock didn't go off.
My clothes dryer borked.
My work orders (due today) haven't arrived.
I'm going on about 5 hours sleep.

I hate Monday's.

How is your day?
Skals16 years ago2008-06-08 15:56:57 UTC 7 comments
Today a power station in london caught on fire/blew up.
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1/5 of london was left without electricity for the whole day today. (including me)

Just taught thought you'd want to know.
Luke16 years ago2008-06-06 12:26:01 UTC 13 comments
I drink your MILKSHAKE.
LCP16 years ago2008-06-05 22:31:14 UTC 3 comments
Yay last day of school!
Rimrook16 years ago2008-06-05 17:00:07 UTC 3 comments
Companion Clock!
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Got mega bored in class today so I modded the OtaClock and made this.
It just tells you the time... but it shouldn't tell you anything, if it does, ignore it.

Skals16 years ago2008-06-05 16:04:30 UTC 3 comments
Joined: 2nd May 2007 (401 days ago)

erm... this morning it was 400 and its still the same day here so it counts as 400 :>
The Mad Carrot16 years ago2008-06-04 16:14:03 UTC 4 comments
Started watching V again. Awesome sciencefiction miniseries. Can't wait for V: The Second Generation. ^_^

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Check out this video of the most memorable scene of V.
This is where Mike Donovan (Played by Mark Singer, the main character of the series) finds out that the Visitors are in fact lizard-like aliens...

At the end of the video, you'll see a glimpse of one of the shuttle crafts that i have created for Half-Life: V Shuttle Crafts