
LCP16 years ago2008-06-03 21:00:22 UTC 6 comments
Wow 2 days left till my 9th grade year ends, today we had 3 food-fights in my lunch, and 2 more in the other lunch, and one after school which i got pegged which what i believe was chocolate pudding.
Today was a good day...
HLGenius16 years ago2008-06-03 09:48:35 UTC 15 comments
My first day of highschool today! :D

--Yep...Still a long way to go...
Spike16 years ago2008-06-03 08:40:26 UTC 10 comments
Would you leave your studies, family, friends to start a new life on another place?
Strider16 years ago2008-06-03 08:30:53 UTC 10 comments

I've decided to make a sticker for my case this week, should look like this when it's done:
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It's on the wrong side of the case, but you get the drift. ;D

It's done!
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Rimrook16 years ago2008-06-03 01:06:17 UTC 13 comments

No more excuses for not finding any good textures. Now GO MAP!
Striker16 years ago2008-06-02 15:33:32 UTC 14 comments
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I found these images on my HDD . They're with my old computer ( pentium 2 ) . You will obviously notice the clothes on the computer =)) . It is really cold in that room when it's winter ( the computer is at my grandmother's house) and the computer won't boot :))
LCP16 years ago2008-06-02 15:10:49 UTC 3 comments
Welcome back!
This is your 400th login.

where is my message :(
Daubster16 years ago2008-06-02 12:36:59 UTC 4 comments
Welcome back!
This is your 4444th login.
Striker16 years ago2008-06-02 07:39:15 UTC 4 comments
Hi everyone , I decided to update my site and make it a portofolio site . OK . The site is quite ugly , and I don;t have only 40 Mb of disk space :( .

Anyway , in this summer I'm gonna make a site and upload it on a freehosting website ( I know some site ... something with "freetzi" it gives you 500 MB !!!! )

Anyway , I'll add more content soon , but please see it and tell me if it's a little nice . I'll add some widgets too .
Skals16 years ago2008-06-01 13:59:30 UTC 7 comments
Hey People. To Those of you who dont know yet: A New Aliens game called Aliens: Colonial marines is coming out at the end of this year on xbox 360 and other consoles. i dont know about you but, im getting it asap!

here are some screenshots:
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Looks good huh?
Im at the last act of quake 4 where you visit the big marines ship as a strog.
I quite like the game, its quite fun. the only thing i didnt like it the part with the tanks and the robot. i personally think that the robot and the tank looked awfull, and where just too strong. + the tank had no sound lol.

I also taught that there werent enough achievements.

Besides all that i like the game.
Skals16 years ago2008-05-30 04:24:19 UTC 9 comments
GTA IV ON PC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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yes i know. i fail.
Rimrook16 years ago2008-05-29 03:44:16 UTC 27 comments
A few weeks ago, my room mate's computer got tanked by a nasty virus. The kind that was all-in-one doom for your comp deal. He took quick and decisive measures to stop it and now have a freshly reinstalled windows and such. It was quite possibly the worse virus I've ever seen, doing both ad/spy/malware with a worm eating data, a keylogger, and a really bad trojan, as well as fake ads for removal tools.

Point being not just that, but where he got it. It somehow bombed him from which has threads for a game he was currently playing, a little like WoW only 2D and no so graphic. The game itself is geared for a younger and older audience alike. At first, he read posts about someone else there getting the virus. People blamed the occurance on the failure of the victim's protection and the admins shortly erased the thread. After my room mate's computer was hit, he made a post about the virus hitting him. It, too, was deleted but in only a few minutes.

Being a little pissed off, he wrote an email to the support guys at the outspark forums, outright he got a reply which pinned an explanation that his virus protection was weak. FYI: My roomy has really awesome protection, a lot better than mine. So I doubt that was the case. The support guy that replied said they are investigating the matter, which is more than what anyone has said about it thus far. But its likely other people are still subject to the virus, and this has been going on for some time (perhaps months) without any signs of improvement. The worse part is that most of the people on that forum are children.

I don't know what to think of any of that, except that its got to be the most horrendous thing I've ever encountered. If I had a site with a virus on it, I'd dedicate a few days to maintainence just to make sure its clean, even then, they should've had a clean forum in the first place and not blame it on the individual's protection. For a while it sounded shadey as well, but I'm kinda relieved they're at least investigating it.

c'mon man, think of the children!
Skals16 years ago2008-05-28 11:28:22 UTC 27 comments
ok i just got quake wars today on Xbox 360.
(it comes out tomorrow... lol i have it already huh?)
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its quite ok.
i love the stogs and the way they and their weapons look.

in most game campaignes you would have a nice intro, a few talks maybe and you'd only start shooting in like 5-10 mins. this game is different. the very moment i went into the campaigne, i was already fully equipped and blasting noobs.

The sprites were bad tho. like hl1 bad.

There's also a thing about the campaigne. when you shoot an enemy youd see a "you" killed "enemy" text, and you can see enemy and friends names on top of their heads just like in the mp... but its the campaigne! so i didn't quite like that.

Architecture. what can i say. amazing.

Gameplay... hm, well i quite like it despite the fact that in some missions you have to wait half an hour just to repel your enemys when they show almost no resistance... but i guess its because i play on easy lol.

achievements... there are achievements for easy normal and hard. making the player complete all the missions on all those difficultys to acquire them all. quit off or cleaver?

I wouldnt really recomend the game, but its quite ok.
Sound: 8/10 - excellent
Sprites: 4/10 - rubbish
Models: 9.5/10 - very close to perfect
Achitecture: 9.8/10 - perfect
Story: 3/10 - almost no story except for the intro. its just "shoot for fun"
Gameplay: 8.5/10 - i liked it... what i didnt like is the un-normal speed.
all players are very fast making it harder to shoot each other and making it look sTUUPid.

7.5/10 in total.
srry16 years ago2008-05-28 03:10:32 UTC 5 comments
Put a new avatar up. It's a bit dismal for my tastes though, so it may not stay for long.
Captain Terror16 years ago2008-05-27 18:21:06 UTC 9 comments
Here's an Compile-Error/Hammer-Bug/Editing-Quirks list I'm working on: