
AJ16 years ago2008-05-05 05:31:58 UTC 11 comments
Why so green and lonely?
Striker16 years ago2008-05-04 11:26:31 UTC 9 comments
As some of you know , I'm working on a Sven Coop campaign . I don't know what name it'll have , but for now important is to complete at least the first map .
Thanks to TWHL's tutorials and other tutorials from different sites , this is my first map ( until now , the map isn't finished yet) were I keep my r_speeds down. The maximum was around 1050 , and the area was an exception . The compile times are faster now . I read a lot of theory about r_speeds , visblocking and I want to read something about hint brushes as I'm a little confused how they work . For now , Visblocking is a good Idea .... Also , a lot of func_walling is increasing the overall map performance . I plan to make the map very interactive and not boring . It's not a "freaky" style map ( that's what I think but uh ...) -> bot scary , but FUN .
I played a lot of maps and it seems that all a lot of them are just .....dead walls :| ..... no , this isn't meaning that I'll make an excellent map , I'll try to make and maybe not succeed ( but trying isn't dieing ....)
Hope I'll finish the first map soon.
Luke16 years ago2008-05-04 01:40:06 UTC 6 comments
Just a repost-

After playing gold rush for more than several hours, I have a very mini review:

+ Loooove the idea. It's like point capping except it's a lot hard to reset the point. This brings up the idea of needing a GREAT defense, which is always fun to do.
+ Like the idea of having separate corridors to bi-pass choke points. Leads to some very interesting game play when the defending team forgets about the ways around and they all get slaughtered.
+ Has a lot of places for offensive sentries, which is always a cool idea.
+ The ending is down right epic.

Time for the downfalls:
  • The mapping comes off to me as very amateur. It looks good, but the layout is very confusing, almost as if a bad mapper made it.
  • On top of strange lay outs and odd looks, the map has a bunch of little things you can get caught on. There's nothing more frustrating then getting stuck on something sticking out of the wall while getting shot at, and end up dying.
  • Very tight. Many tight spaces tends to get annoying.
Another note:
  • New medic achievements are kind of stupid, but whatever. I wish they were for fun, and not needed to unlock the new weapons.
  • The new weapons have very little use for me. I love playing medic, so it's not a bias, but they just seem useless for the most part. The only real exception is the Critzkrieg. Love that gun.

On another note, I saw Iron Man last night. Was a pretty good movie, wasn't disappointed with 10 dollars spent (the first time I've EVER paid for a movie with my own cash.) Funny here and there, a lot of action, and was interesting, in a Transformers kind of way.

Didn't catch what happens after the credits, but whatever.
Tetsu016 years ago2008-05-03 19:10:50 UTC 2 comments
I know i wrote a note about this a few days back,
But here is the coolest thing i've ever seen in my life.

That's us. Week of 5/5/08

Spike16 years ago2008-05-03 12:28:01 UTC 32 comments
Programming sucks
Skals16 years ago2008-05-02 13:39:31 UTC 22 comments
atlast! my 1 month ban is over!
User posted image
Tetsu016 years ago2008-05-01 22:26:03 UTC 7 comments
Hey everybody

My band, Positive Chaos, is going to be featured on The Rock, 106.9 WCCC, once a night for five days starting Sunday, May 3.

That's right.

Positive Chaos made it to mainstream radio.

Would like to personally ask you all to tune in (either via radio [ 106.9 FM ], or online at ) And listen to our songs! You can even call in and tell the station what you think.

You can help us make it one step further with each phone call.

After our week is over, if you want to hear us play, just call up The Rock after 9:00 PM-EST and say, "Hey, can I hear some Positive Chaos!?"

Help us help you help us all.

Other big news is the fact that Positive Chaos will be opening the main stage at the Webster Theater [ Hartford, CT ] on May 12. Finger 11 is the main headliner.

I'm so psyched!

Check us out at
Strider16 years ago2008-04-29 22:21:52 UTC 29 comments
Found this in my email inbox when I got to work this morning:

How you today? I hope, that all at you is excellent!!!!!
I have found your address in internet. You have interested as serious the man....!!!! I really
would like you to learn better and closely!!!!! I think, that we could become with you simply
soul mates!!!!
About itself: I the simple Russian girl.... Basically than I am not distinguished from the
others!!!! I attractive, sociable young lady!!!! Which is tired from loneliness.... In me there
are many positive qualities!!! But unfortunately... Is not present beside of loved of the man,
soul mate.... Which could appreciate all my qualities...!!! If I have really interested you as
the woman....?! That I really would be very glad to receive your letter with the story about
myself, your new photos....

I with big not patience shall look forward to hearing from you!
Sincerely to you Natalya.

PS I Ask you to write to me on personal EMail. This Email my work and to it many people have access!

I think I have a chance!
FresheD16 years ago2008-04-29 06:33:29 UTC 24 comments
Battefield Heroes beta on may 6th, yay!
I'm really looking forward to this game.
Why? Cuz' it has the 3 F's darn it!!

1. Free
2. Funny
3. Fantastic
User posted image
Rimrook16 years ago2008-04-28 13:41:11 UTC 4 comments
User posted image
I'm running out of classes for my edumacation. :(
only 3 quarters left!
Strider16 years ago2008-04-28 00:52:25 UTC 16 comments
"Popped" my kneecap this morning. The kneecap shifted out of it's socket and back in quickly, grinding some of the cartlidge. It's happened to me far too many times in the last 3 or 4 years. Hurts like hell when it happens but it's given me a day or so off work, so it's not all bad. :>
HLGenius16 years ago2008-04-27 00:26:34 UTC 8 comments
YAY!New avatar....

PLease comment on it...

because i wanna know if you like it...

Habboi16 years ago2008-04-26 20:23:05 UTC 9 comments
Well it's my birthday on the 29th...Just thought I'd say. I'll be 19. I sure don't feel like it ^^

Anyway cause I have uni on that day I managed to sneakily convince my mum to give me my presents early. I knew what they were since I ordered them myself hehe. I basically got a DS because I had to write a games document for my first coursework and the platform had to be a DS. Doing so much research on it eventually made me fall in love with it. Zelda is awesome on the DS! My only concern is this is the first platform to actually hurt my hands and eyes after a short amount of time.

Apart from the DS I got clothes, new pair of shades, House of Dead 2 & 3 on Wii and some dumbells for exercising ^^

Lastly I've mentioned before but I updated from that old shitty site to a blog.
Strider16 years ago2008-04-25 00:37:58 UTC 14 comments
User posted image
Oh sweet jesus, that is sexy.
Habboi16 years ago2008-04-24 18:01:02 UTC 1 comment
Very strange...

If you've seen the GTA 4 UK TV Spot video then you'll know that the main character Niko walks towards the screen and as he does the background changes to different areas. I loved the idea so much I wanted to recreate it in Assasins Creed PC.

Anyway I noticed FRAPS wouldn't work in AC so after some research I decided to try a more updated version. It worked! But to my shock it also recorded sound! it somehow detected a sound driver called 'Vista'...I guess the old FRAPS was made before Vista hence why I couldn't record sound.

I'm happy now cause I can record Portal and EP2 ;O

OH by the way I updated my site to a blog :>

It's alright but it'll get better as time passes and more entries are written.