
xX1gr01Xx16 years ago2008-02-29 20:51:39 UTC 0 comments
I'm Working in a new map named haf-frame is a terror map the frist is ready i want to do 15 or 13 maps of this mod the first im to relase the first zip
with 2 maps and other files
Livewire16 years ago2008-02-29 18:15:22 UTC 0 comments
Been a while since I made my last Journal post...

I've been busy helping Hunter with his mod 'Overwatch' and made an underground station, I'm also in the process of making a destroyed version too!

So here are two pictures of a part of the destroyed station I'm currently working on.

Back of the train.
User posted image
Front of the train.
User posted image
It's not quite finished yet as you can tell from the pictures, just letting you guys know what I've been up to.

Cya for now.
HLGenius16 years ago2008-02-29 12:30:47 UTC 0 comments
My first post for the new TWHL3. it's jus too cool to be true. but it is true!!! so about me im also gettin the hang of makin mario maps.and on my way to finish my mapping'll try to make a mod team for my beta mod: HALF-LIFE:APOCLYPSE---where the last war between xen and humans have. i'll put this in between the border of half-life 1 and halflife 2. and more maps soon!!!
Luke16 years ago2008-02-27 20:14:17 UTC 0 comments
I take back what I said about Crysis. It was a great game until the last hour of play, and then it sucked balls.

A shit load of enemies at the normal setting doesn't show a good game or difficulty, it shows bad ideas and poor planning. I'm surprised I killed the giant mothership thing when I did, because the whole time I was dodging frozen bullshit.

What really pissed me off, though, is how the game was ended. I got about 15-18 hours of gameplay out of it, beating it in about 4 days. 95% of that gameplay was pure awesome, then the last 5% was shit. I fucking hate games that leave room for a second installment, especially a game like this.

"Hurrr, I gotta go back to help my dick-buddy. *Credits*"

Come the fuck on.
alexb91116 years ago2008-02-27 19:05:19 UTC 0 comments
1001 days at TWHL! How time flies, it feels like only yesterday that I was attempting to use Hammer 3.4 to map for Source, and complaining avidly that it wouldn't work! :) ...How Shameful!

But seriously, I've had a great time here, and plan to stick around for as long as possible... or until I post a dramatic "I'M LEAVING - YOU CAN'T STOP ME" thread, complaining about how the community here is deteriorating, blah, blah, blah...

This place is great, we're a friendly bunch (generally), and the work put into TWHL3 is outstanding, and much appreciated all around, not that I need to point that out.

I'll end my rant here. I'm pissed off anyway because I wanted to post this yesterday on the 1000 mark! :)
Rimrook16 years ago2008-02-27 14:41:36 UTC 0 comments
Habboi16 years ago2008-02-26 20:30:15 UTC 0 comments

Remember that 2 level mod by my uni friend? It has been finished. Really worth playing. Like Minerva actually. I'd compare it to that.
Luke16 years ago2008-02-26 17:06:17 UTC 0 comments
Despite the fact I'm playing Crysis on low-medium-low, it's got to be one of the best, if not the best, FPS's I've ever played.

I think it's the same level as TF2. Just such a great game.
NineTnine16 years ago2008-02-26 04:42:26 UTC 0 comments
finally i got a new axe handle for the hatchet (a small axe) so i can finally continue my axe throwing hobbie again!
satchmo16 years ago2008-02-26 01:36:35 UTC 0 comments
Big Duck and Little Duck.

Boy, he's really becoming more interesting.
Kurosaki Ichigo16 years ago2008-02-25 06:00:49 UTC 0 comments
STRETCH Boring right now... FragFence IS in progress xD after that 1 and a bit years left in the Map Vault to rot. :( I've got the layout and the land complete but I need some houses to give the map a tad touch of realism. Ideas anyone? For now, it's back to trigonometry maths homework. Urgh... :( :(
trooperdx311716 years ago2008-02-24 18:44:18 UTC 0 comments
Wow TWHL3 is sweet good work everyone who worked on it, now lets all work together to make sure that it wont to degrade into what happened to TWHL2 at the end
SpaG16 years ago2008-02-24 16:24:41 UTC 0 comments
First of all, good work Ant, Penguinboy and Strider. You resurrected TWHL! (At least i hope so) I'm proud of you!

On a side note, I have bought Orange box (at last). Though a bit short, but I must say, playing it was quite fun, especially with all those achievements.

Just noticed that this will be my first journal entry in TWHL3! Yay!
Skals16 years ago2008-02-24 07:36:34 UTC 0 comments
User posted image
ZeG16 years ago2008-02-23 15:46:46 UTC 0 comments
I dont like the new TWHL.. But I still like the peeps in here.