
Gunter17 years ago2006-12-15 23:51:41 UTC 0 comments
So today I got on the interwebs and looked at the headlines on Yahoo! news, and one of them was "High IQ = no meat?". The first words out of my mouth were ?FUCK YOU!? Now, I have no idea in hell what my IQ is, but it sure as hell has nothing to do with whether or not I think Bambi tastes good. I didn't actually read the article, but those are my two cents.

Another headline stated that "synthetic marijuana may help cancer patients." At that point I decided that I would get cancer as soon as I possible flippin' could. Whether it kills me or not. It's free drugs man! LEGAL free drugs! God I love science.

And lastly, nutter butters + white chocolate = Yummeh. Try it.
Tetsu017 years ago2006-12-15 21:40:18 UTC 0 comments
Dominoes anyone??

I just got home for Christmas Break and im enjoying being 1200 miles away from college. Dont get me wrong, i love the school (Florida Tech) but i hate being so far away from home (Connecticut)

I have a few maps in progress. One for counter-strike, a mod im working on for regular half-life, and i'm making a fully functional version of my house for hl2.

I'm switching on and off between maps, it seems to be working but i keep losing inspiration, and sometimes i want to map but i dont want to make any improvements or additions to the ones i already started so i make a new one. And then it keeps growing.

I have so many maps just sitting around that do one thing: Rot.

I recently read the journals from the website made from the dude who made de_dust and de_dust2, and it gave me some inspiration to make a good cs map. I have a layout drawn up and i made the basic part of the C-T spawn on the planeride from atlanta, but i keep thinking to myself: "Why even put forth the effort to polish up and submit a map if nobody is going to play it?"

So I keep second-guessing myself and stuff. People here download and play maps, and they comment and i improve them and re-submit, sometimes open up a thread and discuss...

But nobody has a server that they put the maps on and they rarely (if ever) get play time on the net.


Maybe i should just make a kickass HLDM map and give it to muzz...

ultragamer17 years ago2006-12-15 12:55:03 UTC 0 comments
:glad: Hello all, this is my first journal entry and I'm glad to be a part of this community we have here :). I can 100% map with source in the Valve Hammer Editor. I've recently learned how to animate with the XSI mod tool. Trying to learn how to model with the XSI mod tool and correctly export them into HL2 and other source games ;). I'll always try to be positive, kind, and formal to you guys here :biggrin:. Happy modding :D.
Livewire17 years ago2006-12-15 12:52:17 UTC 1 comment
Hello Livewire! This is your 4th login.

Hehe... :P

Hmm, my first journal entry...

Not much is going on right now, since there is a storm over Valve so I can't map. But however me and 'The Hunter' have been working on some maps together, which I must say, he kicks ass at custom textures! But yeah, My map is coming along nicely obviously with the little bugs here and there, nothing too major though. :D

I'd imagine we will keep our map's until they are fully done then release them, or sooner depending on what Hunter thinks.

Cya for now. ;)
Rimrook17 years ago2006-12-15 04:33:39 UTC 0 comments
Say now or forever hold your peace for the next few weeks. i'll be on xmas break so anything you need to ask, go for it. I'l check in maybe once or twice, but not often.

Merry Christmas and get drunk at new years!
doodle17 years ago2006-12-15 02:55:27 UTC 0 comments
Woo! Journal update!

Been working on updating my troy map and converting it to CS:S... which is sort of suicidal, hellish and darnright crazy, but at the same time rather fun to play :D. You'd think it'd be an "Awp whore" fest, but it's actually proved rather interesting especially in the side corridors/alleys and indoor areas. More info/screens on my site. :nuts:
AJ17 years ago2006-12-14 18:55:04 UTC 0 comments
I got so sick of trying to find a visual style that I like that I went off and started creating my own. <- This is what it currently looks like, but it's nowhere near finished: got a lot of images to edit and fix. I want to have a thinner taskbar, but I've no idea how to achieve that, so it's staying as the Luna default (Luna is the name of XP's original theme, in case you didn't know). <- Update
srry17 years ago2006-12-14 14:55:25 UTC 0 comments
Refresh your browser to see my new winter avatar. Pretty lame, but it does the job. I spent about 10 minutes on it.
Athlete17 years ago2006-12-14 06:33:04 UTC 0 comments
User posted image
Im so sick of seeing these on every website...who do they think they are going to fool? :furious:
hlife_hotdog17 years ago2006-12-13 17:52:15 UTC 0 comments
Yay! I got a new web host with more free bandwidth! Crummy Yahoo only give 5mb but Fortunecity give me 25mb! Once the new web site is completed, I'll post some of my larger maps up! :D
Habboi17 years ago2006-12-12 14:36:41 UTC 0 comments

I made this cheap trailer to show off my school level so far...It's only the hall so not much but I did spend about 2 months on it (With a break in-between)...

Enjoy and feel free to PM me suggestions.

As for pictures to compare I'll post them another time but so far my friends can't tell the difference from the real school and this. :D
BJ17 years ago2006-12-11 11:00:03 UTC 0 comments
Uploaded an HL2 example map for adding an assault sequence to a map.
srry17 years ago2006-12-10 23:42:46 UTC 0 comments
Due to the condos going up on the other side of our fence, I'll soon be relocated into a new, bigger house. It seems my parents have decided that the lack of privacy is just too much to stand. Here's what it's currently like in our backyard:
User posted image
I didn't exactly get any choice in picking the new house I'm moving into, but I'm confident I'll like it. I just woke up this morning and was told they had decided on a house. Oh well.

We're supposedly going to have moved in (or have started to move in) by January 1st.

Stay tuned for pictures of the new house...
kiLLjoy17 years ago2006-12-10 21:03:09 UTC 0 comments
Just got back from a holiday, theres some big bushfires in vic atm and we had to drive right past them. the road was closed overnight but luckily it opened up in the morning :) . didnt see too much, mostly just smoke and burnt out farmland, and a couple of fire trucks heading back from their shift.

AJ17 years ago2006-12-10 18:27:44 UTC 0 comments
I now have braces, lewl!

Sexy teeth for me soon.

And by soon I mean 2 years. :(