
Kurosaki Ichigo15 years ago2008-12-24 21:49:28 UTC 3 comments
Merry Christmas all! :D Oh what I got for Christmas was a 'The Greatest Hits of Rick Astley'. The minute I opened it, I "lol'd" x]
Kurosaki Ichigo15 years ago2008-12-09 01:53:52 UTC 8 comments
Having an AGP system isn't that great at all especially when trying to upgrade. But finally I've upgraded from a 5200FX to a 6800XT ($40). I could have gone for a 7600\7900 but my budget is extremely tight ($50 or less) and this was all I could get.

In terms of mapping, I can get back to it now as it's the holidays and my second hard drive works again as it has all my mapping stuff (IDE cable wasn't in right... /facepalm).
Kurosaki Ichigo16 years ago2008-08-23 08:51:59 UTC 0 comments
._. Nothing much to say... Except Frag Fence is somewhat being retarded. I haven't even moved it anywhere and it somehow 'jumped' to my other hard drive. o.o There seems to be no viruses or anything like that, but who knows...

PS: Frag Fence will be out soon! :o
UPDATE: Ok, the rmf of Frag Fence is gone... I have no idea to the whereabouts of it, so... it's either I start from scratch, keep searching or make something completely different. By the way, what's the bbcode to make lines run through paragraphs, eg: crossing out things.
Kurosaki Ichigo16 years ago2008-07-05 09:16:49 UTC 1 comment
Well I'm back from my trip to Mt. Beauty. 1 week away from the comp didn't feel that 'bad' as I thought it'd be. Anyway, snowboarding at Falls Creek (was about 45min away from cabin) was the main reason I went to Mt. Beauty. 38cm of powdery snow at an untracked area made me enjoy every second and to make it better, everyday I'd sit by the river just next to my cabin after a long, exhaustive ride down the mountain. Pure bliss~

Now obviously I've just come back so mapping hasn't started yet, but it will be hopefully tomorrow.

PS: I don't have any pic's worth uploading; some camera phones, like mine to be exact, suck regardless of their megapixel 'rate'.
I want a phone with a decent camera so any suggestions?
Kurosaki Ichigo16 years ago2008-06-26 03:53:02 UTC 2 comments
Well I'll be heading to the snow in about 2 days; I'll be there for a week. And yes, Frag Fence... I've changed hard drives and I haven't copied it over. Don't worry, it will be done eventually. Speaking of heading to the snow, I think I'd be able to get some inspiration from where I'm heading so I'll probably be making a snow theme map whenever I have the chance. :D As for now, I just have to survive one more school day before term 2 ends. ~Josh
Kurosaki Ichigo16 years ago2008-05-15 05:46:46 UTC 5 comments
Haven't uploaded anything in a while. I haven't stopped mapping, just too busy. Frag Fence on the other hand is going really well; about 89% complete.

Random thing I found today:
Have you got an ocelot?

And my theme!
Gimme some cake! :D
Kurosaki Ichigo16 years ago2008-04-06 00:06:26 UTC 3 comments
After looking for ages on my hard drive, I finally found my account details. =.= Yes, it's not safe to store account information on you're computer but I don't give a damn.. for now. Anyway, while taking a break from mapping I decided to muck around in UT2003 (because it's the only UT I've got). The Redeemer, nearly anyone who's played this game should know it. Here's something I came up with. :D
User posted image
The redeemer: Huge consequences when used incorrectly
Kurosaki Ichigo16 years ago2008-03-31 02:27:39 UTC 0 comments
It's been a while since I've logged in but no, I haven't stopped mapping. I've just been busy for the past few weeks. Progress: Frag Fence WAS supposed to be re-made into HL2DM but Hammer screws up every time I try to make a freakin' box. Yes, a box. The minute/second I hit <Enter>; BAM! There goes Hammer. I guess it's just my SDK that's screwin' up. Anyway, while I try to get the SDK working again, I'm making a filler map called "Plain random". It won't have awe-inspiring geometry, uber-leet textures or intense fire fights; just one random thing I thought of... ;) Catch you guys later! ~Josh
Kurosaki Ichigo16 years ago2008-02-25 06:00:49 UTC 0 comments
STRETCH Boring right now... FragFence IS in progress xD after that 1 and a bit years left in the Map Vault to rot. :( I've got the layout and the land complete but I need some houses to give the map a tad touch of realism. Ideas anyone? For now, it's back to trigonometry maths homework. Urgh... :( :(
Kurosaki Ichigo16 years ago2008-02-16 00:50:36 UTC 0 comments
200th login! Yay... :tired: I really haven't been on for a while. Really weird for me... Anyway, I WILL try and get Frag Fence updated if I have some time for it and I might be working on something else. For now it's kicking back and playing games! :D
Kurosaki Ichigo16 years ago2008-01-08 04:30:42 UTC 0 comments
Every time I log on here, I do my usual routine:
1. Check if I have any PM's.
2. Check the map vault to see if anything has been put up and is worth downloading.
3. Go through the forums because I can. ( :aggrieved: )
4. Read through the journals. (Yes I do that because I've got nothing else to do :tired: )

Now today as I was reading the journals... I came upon Saribous' latest entry. Knowing that someone in your family that's ill for a long period of time is something you'd be sad about because you then think of death. And when something like that actual comes it hits you hard. You know it's coming yet it just kills you. I've experienced that a few years ago so I know how it feels. R.I.P ~Regards Josh :(
Kurosaki Ichigo16 years ago2008-01-03 01:46:15 UTC 0 comments
To pass time I decided to make random crap in Gmod 9. (I know, I know, "where's 10") Mucking around in cs_italy and cs_office I made the following Desktop backgrounds:

Dog and Lamarr

Shoop Da Woop Lamarr

*Anti-Aliasing only worked properly on cs_office at 1024 X 768 but cs_italy decided to muck things up and when I put the resolution down it looked as though anti-aliasing wasn't on at all! :furious:

I'm currently working on other background ideas so stay tuned! :D
Kurosaki Ichigo16 years ago2008-01-02 00:41:07 UTC 0 comments
It's 2008 yet it feels as though it's still 2007. :| I bet 1 cent that this year will go faster than 2007! :P I'm now playing games on a decent comp (won't specify the specs) and CS:S is what is occupying (<-- is that how you spell it?) me right now and so is Swat4. Speaking of Swat4, my worst experience online is when I got flashed, stunned, pepper sprayed, hand cuffed and then shot in the head. :zonked: I don't think anyone would deserve to have that would they?! Would they? :aggrieved:
Kurosaki Ichigo16 years ago2007-12-24 17:29:33 UTC 0 comments
RAWR!!!! MERRY CHRISTMAS PEOPLE AND DON'T FORGET TO GO OUTSIDE FOR ONCE!!1one :x :x :x :x :x Anyway, for now I'll be off doing something else with da family... :nuke: :quizzical: :tired:
Kurosaki Ichigo16 years ago2007-12-17 18:27:10 UTC 0 comments
Just another day sitting in front of the computer... :tired: there's nothing much really going over here. But on the good side, it's the holidays. I just wished right now that I could map better... :roll: So far my Frag Fence map hasn't been touched although I stated that I would change it, so I think now would be a good time to start improving it. :P Bye for now... ~Josh