
Snpbond18 years ago2006-05-18 18:57:25 UTC 0 comments
After finally checking responses to my last challenge map...I have decided to make a sequel...storyline is something like this:

After making it out of the tomb you are picked up by a combine patrol...not knowing what to do with you they throw you in an old abandoned jail that once was owned by a rogue combine who was story crazy...he had 1 way to get out but to do that you have to activate a series of machines and accomplish tasks (get gas, turn on pump etc...)

You will start in your jail cell...door unlocked and you have to find your way out :) Sound good??
Luke18 years ago2006-05-18 16:41:47 UTC 0 comments
My B-Day was today. :>

Happy birthday, you bastard you! - Ant
razorkiller200418 years ago2006-05-18 07:05:25 UTC 0 comments
Hello razorkiller2004! This is your 50th login.

50 logins in 2 days. not bad.

pepper18 years ago2006-05-18 01:18:46 UTC 0 comments
I just put up a aviation map of Area 51 and Nellis Airforce base, but dont tell anyone ;) .
Jax18 years ago2006-05-17 22:21:29 UTC 0 comments
Parents left for Europe on Monday, so now my bro & I have the house to ourselves!!! That's right, 5 weeks of parties every Friday and Saturday.

Come on down to Sydney, Australia and stay a while!

We are currently filming a internet show of our time alone and will be putting up a blog soon...
M_gargantua18 years ago2006-05-17 19:34:38 UTC 0 comments
going on my 3rd TWHL year in 25 minutes
AJ18 years ago2006-05-17 18:33:50 UTC 0 comments
Apple released a cheaper version of the Macbook yesterday. Its essentially the same thing judging from the specs, minus a 7200RPM drive. Its also only a 13 inch screen (you still get a pretty nice resolution though, and I prefer a laptop that doesn't require you to attach wheels on it and ride it just so you can transport it).

I just wish you could upgrade to a 7200RPM drive. That's the only thing that's stopping me rushing out and buying one right now.

Specs for joo.

Edit: Aww, double dang. It's a crappy onboard GFX card. Guess that's a no to the MacBook. Back to the MacBook Pro for me.
Captain P18 years ago2006-05-17 13:35:07 UTC 0 comments
User posted image
Some may have seen it already, but I think it could be usefull to others as well:

I created a little tool that scans a .map file for texture scales. You enter the minimum and maximum allowed scale and the tool writes a report for you, showing which brushes (ordered by entity) offend those scales as well as a little more info on how to use this information.
Usefull when you get the annoying 'Bad Surface Extends' error.
User posted image
Here's the download. :)
BJ18 years ago2006-05-17 09:49:12 UTC 0 comments
Uploaded an item_dynamic_resupply example map.
Xyos21218 years ago2006-05-17 09:22:59 UTC 0 comments
30 more logins and I have 1000! Ya dawg! Cant wait for my 1337 login!
Habboi18 years ago2006-05-17 05:53:55 UTC 0 comments
I about 10 minutes my first driving lesson is going to start...Wish me luck :nuts:

See you in two hours :P

Two hours later and Oh My...

Twas nerve racking...He spent an hour telling me all the parts of the car and then for the 2nd hour I drove all around my neighborhood and boy was I shitting myself when we came to busy traffic...Most of the time I kept sterring off the road as changing gears requires a fair amount of thought...Plus my feet are short so XD

Amount of times stalled: 2

Hello Habboi! This is your 3333rd login.

In other news progress on my mod is slow but it will be worth while...I have a very good concept artist who has been spending a long time drawing for me...When the time is right I'll release some good media...Trust me when I say this will not be the typical media you see in crap mods...I can almost guarantee your reply will be "OMG"!
razorkiller200418 years ago2006-05-16 15:04:35 UTC 0 comments
I seem to have made myself a member even though i was only looking for a tutorial on how to set up Hammer. Well a little bit about myself then as an intro.

My name is Chris and i live in Doncaster, United Kingdom. I am 22 in 3 weeks exactly. I have never modded before but thought i would give it a go. Sadly my computer isn't up to spec to play Half-Life 2 but i have it for the X-Box. Never really liked HL1 but i guess i will get to know it better now.

I am currently working on my first project after doing the intro tutorial. This will be a large map and wil give me oportunity to try out all of these wonderfull tutorials. I will be making a load of new textures for it and hope to get some good feedback. I will be helped, if you call it that, by my freind who will be called bOb. He is a serious HL1 player but doesn't have access to the net so any and all comments will be posted through me.

Well i think that is enough. Must get back to shouting at Hammer.

Hugh18 years ago2006-05-16 13:21:42 UTC 0 comments
"Hello Hugh! This is your 500th login. Awesome."

Hurray, 300 logins in around 100 days. That whole Dunce Americans thread really brought me into TWHL.

And as a "present" for those of you who read this, you can look at this non-exclusive in-editor screenshot of my Reissues/Snarkpit compo map.
User posted image
Orpheus18 years ago2006-05-16 07:24:00 UTC 0 comments
Day 14,
Narrowly missed a second misunderstanding yesterday. I am noticing a distinct level of such events around here, not only involving myself, but many of the regulars that by now should have grown well beyond such trivialities.

Upon reflection, the research I have been doing into the poor level of reading might be the root cause. At first it was thought to be a simple case of English not being the first language but after further study this proves out to not being the case.

More study is warranted but I am beginning to suspect its simple immaturity and/or prideful separatisms. If this is the case, only time and maturity will cure it.

Stay tuned for more info.
Howdy18 years ago2006-05-16 03:09:52 UTC 0 comments
Yay! It's my 19th birthday today. :P :nuts:
/me gets fat on cake'n'stuff