
NemoStein18 years ago2006-04-13 05:49:46 UTC 0 comments
Ow... Sorry Rowley about my competition, but... :zonked:

I'm offering props for hl1 too (animated, with DynLights and/or TempEntities if you want)... :sarcastic:

You just need to send an Idea, screenshot or a .map file with the brushwork... =]
AJ18 years ago2006-04-13 01:16:29 UTC 0 comments
Got my hands on 3ds Max 8 today and I've been going through the beginner tutorials that come with it.
User posted image
The Knight still isn't done, but man, it's loads of fun!
dandyli0n`18 years ago2006-04-12 19:19:54 UTC 0 comments
What's up with the problem when you type an apostrophe? It always turns it into " ' " like in my bio.

Speaking of my bio, yes, for those who weren't around when I posted it, I'm only twelve years old.
Seventh-Monkey18 years ago2006-04-12 13:59:44 UTC 0 comments
Hello Seventh-Monkey! This is your 10000th login.

gordonfreeman18 years ago2006-04-12 10:18:17 UTC 0 comments
back at source mapping again. continued my first source map (a dm2 one) and have to say I made quite a lot steps forward! Now I got one place I don't know what to make at so I'm waiting if I get any idea. and when I get, I'm doing it. And after that one I'll start filling the map with stuff, correcting things etc...
Gunter18 years ago2006-04-12 08:52:24 UTC 0 comments
Hm look my 101st login. All that and I still havent submitted a map.... Oh well, I'm going to go work on Airship more. Hopefully I'll be in a few days, if not a week.
dragons18 years ago2006-04-12 05:32:58 UTC 0 comments
Hello dragons! This is your 100th login. Nice! :cool:
A lot of you probably think this is sad, considering I'm user number 91...
srry18 years ago2006-04-12 02:12:07 UTC 0 comments
Several people really liked my homemade headcrab figure, so I decided to show it off and describe how it was made.
User posted image
It's made up of 3 layers.

First, I used aluminum foil to form the general shape of the body, then I strengthened the legs with wire running from front to back.

Then, I used this white plaster cloth stuff that will dry around things if you dip it in water. This smooths it out.

After all that, you just paint it, and you've got the coolest dust collector ever! The only problem with all this is that it can end up looking a little... lumpy.
Slasher_10118 years ago2006-04-11 14:30:26 UTC 0 comments
Hey everyone, an update on my leave:

I will hopefully be fully back in next 30 days, I've been busy lately.
Also, my internet is down so I'll try get that fixed soon.

And my Steam has completely died. : So I guess I'll re-install it soon.
I REALLY don't feel like Steam's shit with re-installing.

And I don't really feel like HL1 mapping, so I'll wait to start again till my Steam is back.

I am still proudly against Steam ^^
Snpbond18 years ago2006-04-11 14:09:25 UTC 0 comments
Woohoo...I have finally finished the design for my new website, after some looking at tutorials I have made a member system, with nothing of interest, but I might add some more things like join date... anyways, check it out, leave a comment in shoutbox about what ya think :P
D_man18 years ago2006-04-11 06:11:31 UTC 0 comments
End of holidays bore

Dorian2718 years ago2006-04-10 10:40:09 UTC 0 comments
My Rogue: Dissever is now level 17
My Priest: Dreadmuffin is level 31.
I took up skinning and leather working on the rogue, and I am training in assasination.
This weekend, I am going to have my friend use his 30 to run me through my red quests. sounds good eh?

(I will update the profiles later, right now they are a little out-dated.)
IMUS18 years ago2006-04-10 10:40:08 UTC 0 comments
Nintendo Wii is coming. Red Steel sounds amazing I don't see how any fps fan could not be excited or gamer for that matter. After reading about that game it should be a fun ride. Also I just finished tk_sg. It can get pretty dark with the HDR so you may want try it without it. For the most part it's very basic and mostly just for looks.
Seventh-Monkey18 years ago2006-04-09 13:30:38 UTC 0 comments
I'm seeing EELS again in London on the 23rd of June! Hoorah! :biggrin:
Daubster18 years ago2006-04-09 04:48:57 UTC 0 comments
New avatar!
A southpark yoda.. Not the most original thing, you could think of, although I like it :biggrin: