
Habboi18 years ago2006-04-07 11:43:24 UTC 0 comments
Hello, the Gang-Life team has been working on their mod for some time and unfortunately we had a long lazy break during Christmas.

Now because of this we lost our only coder and we desperately need one like every other mod. Please don't be put off by the media on the site...Most of it is shown in the forums.

Right now we are close to dying and I am trying to get things moving one last time. Do you really want a dying mod on your conscience?


The coder must be able to compile weapons...We have loads!
The coder must be able to code us new game modes...
And he should be able to code HUD etc...

The coder doesn't have to do all of this but if you are gifted with one of these abilities then please do apply.

Contact me - Habboi - Level Designer @ or

Contact Mod leader if you wish on the forums.

Thank You.
m0p18 years ago2006-04-06 09:44:38 UTC 0 comments
Emptied out my journal. Too cluttered.

We're all proud of you, m0p. - Ant

Yeah, it took so much effort! All 40 journal entries! I worked my ass off getting them all deleted. -m0p
Saribous18 years ago2006-04-05 04:00:41 UTC 0 comments
Dorian2718 years ago2006-04-05 03:51:10 UTC 0 comments
*WoW Update*
I am now a level 30 Undead Priest
I have also started an Undead Rogue named "Dissever" which is now level 10.
I need to get my rogue to an adequate level, so I can run instances with my friends, so I am power-leveling. Overall I have played about 4-5 hours on this rogue. At this rate, I expect to be 30 in 2 weeks, wish me luck!
Then again, my friends will probably be level 40 in 2 weeks, bleh, I better catch up!
D_man18 years ago2006-04-04 22:42:20 UTC 0 comments
well my mod has also been posponed. :

BUT I have started a new map for HL2DM it is a simple map it i nearing 1/4 way complete.
Elon Yariv18 years ago2006-04-04 13:45:27 UTC 0 comments
400 days in TWHL. Nice round number.
Gunter18 years ago2006-04-02 19:20:52 UTC 0 comments
Ok, after ditching two maps because they were bad ideas (really bad ideas). I think i finally have a winner! :P

I had the idea when i was watching miyuzaki's "castle in the sky" (great movie by the way). the story is: The combine have discovered how to make gigantic airships that can be armored like tanks and have a very large amount of firepower. They are taking the the airship 'collosus' through its final test phase, if it fails here the progect will be abandoned. Your mission is to sneak abored, blow shit up, and then get off the thing before it hits the ground.
Sounds rather ambitious, but i have it all planned out and I think i can do it. Wish me luck!
AJ18 years ago2006-04-01 23:05:37 UTC 0 comments
Hello Ant! This is your 3522nd login.
Trapt18 years ago2006-04-01 17:09:27 UTC 0 comments
Hello Trapt! This is your 1800th login.


Seventh-Monkey18 years ago2006-04-01 15:26:30 UTC 0 comments
Holiday! Phew. Finally.

Hello Seventh-Monkey! This is your 9700th login.
Luke18 years ago2006-04-01 15:23:08 UTC 0 comments
Hello Luke! This is your 3800th login.
dandyli0n`18 years ago2006-04-01 09:49:24 UTC 0 comments
I'm getting a new video card soon! :)

('s not an April Fools joke :P )
kol18 years ago2006-04-01 08:27:06 UTC 0 comments i updaeted my site lol! Happy April 1ove day! :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:
Captain P18 years ago2006-04-01 00:29:32 UTC 0 comments
User posted image
So, what's been going on lately?

Well, I've been busy with a little article project thingie for Half-Life lately. There's a little more to do but it'll be up and running soon.
Then, I've been working on mudanchee, spicing up the brushwork and creating some new models.
And lastly, I've also been creating a small php-based tool to help me manage my time by keeping track of projects and their tasks.