
killer110218 years ago2006-01-06 08:13:35 UTC 0 comments
I have decided to start mapping for source but can`t decide what to make...It will be HL2 for sure.
Captain P18 years ago2006-01-06 05:44:50 UTC 0 comments
User posted image
Shortly after Muzzle got his HLDM server, we chatted about it a bit and he asked me to do a map for it. I decided it would be a fun thing to do in this stressfull time, so I put together a map in a quick 5 hours. I used some style elements of an unfinished map I once made for the machinery compo (which was going to be called Pumpworkz) and textures from my never-finished map Sector Gamma (which I also used in The Playtest).

Anyway, here are some screenshots of Trirena:

1. One of the two small inside arena's
2. A shot of the RPG tower
3. The harbour as seen from the RPG towers lowest part

You can check out the map here. It's also in the current rotation of Muzzle's server, so you can check it out in action as well. Have fun!
tyrlop18 years ago2006-01-05 11:44:29 UTC 0 comments
im sorry i cant finish my unfinish singel player map : . i have lost my .map file :)
Luke18 years ago2006-01-03 15:02:56 UTC 0 comments
Hello Luke! This is your 3100th login.
satchmo18 years ago2006-01-03 13:27:22 UTC 0 comments
It was just one of those interesting days, when my patients seem to share all the same interests as me.

I saw a high school football player this morning, and he was seeking advise on weight lifting and supplements. About an hour later, this sixteen year old boy was talking up a storm about World of Warcraft. He spends more than eight hours a day playing WoW.
Dorian2718 years ago2006-01-03 12:38:24 UTC 0 comments
Ahh, de_syrinx is finally released. check it out Here.

I've recently added some music to my library, and if you wanna check it out it is free.
Nikkfurie de la Caution. they are a french rap duo, but they have a really cool techno song, which you may recognize from the Ocean's 12 "Laser Dance."
(Download it Here. Second band from the bottom)
Project X. These guys re-made some Megaman tracks, and they sound very good.
Gackt18 years ago2006-01-02 20:08:17 UTC 0 comments
I have undergone a radical re-thinking of my own personal mapping philosophy, one that I wanted to share with you all. At a recent LAN party, I witnessed a depressing series of events that made me question the purpose and value of mapping for Half-Life 2:

1. Ichthyosaur's map, based on Stargate series, attracted players totalling a maximum of 4 out of the 11 computers that were capable running HL2 at peak times. The rest played Unreal Tournament.

2. My own map, which I had slaved over for hours upon hours despite the Hammer AppID error of last week, was not played at all.

3. The two people who wanted to play Counter-Strike Source couldn't get a LAN game going because no one else felt confident enough to play (based on previous losses online).

4. Unreal Tournament and StarCraft beat out HL2 for total playtime by a long shot. Even the GameCube hooked up in a separate room attracted more enthusiasm (although no offense to the GC, I love mine to pieces).

I began to question: what is wrong with HL2 and our maps that no one wants to play on them? The answer occurred to me after a while: a combination of thematic inaccessibility and unbalanced gameplay mechanics with the added over-emphasis on graphical excess/accuracy crippled our maps' playability and appeal. The reason more people were attracted to UT comes from the fact that that game is more of a sport, where everyone starts on a relatively level playing field, and where no player is given an overly biased advantage (even newbies overthrew the more advanced players in large groups). The UT maps are also highly conducive to fast-paced yet enjoyable gameplay, and "party game" comes immediately to mind - something that also reminded me of the SSBM tournaments that were going on with the GameCube in the background.

With this in mind, I decided to completely change my mapping philosophy. Multiplayer maps that are just a mish-mash of separate projects do not work; moreover, they produce unbearable lag (such as my second castle level did when combined with my pirate ship, chapel and skyscrapers) that hinders the fluidity of the experience. My new multiplayer maps are being designed from the ground up to enable fair, balanced gameplay across all skill levels. I also will address the unpleasantness of being a player of lesser skill than others in a given battle. I was displeased to have personally been slaughtered despite having tried my best, and after a while, it simply wasn't fun - the whole point of playing the game. What multiplayer levels need are novice-geared handles; that is to say, features within the map that can help newer players turn the tide against higher skilled players while still being fair to everyone.

I personally vow to make all future maps with these aforementioned concerns as my chief considerations, and I implore everyone who makes multiplayer maps to take them to heart when you load up Hammer next time, for the betterment of the HL2 experience of everyone that your work reaches.
ZeG18 years ago2006-01-02 09:21:49 UTC 0 comments
Hello ZeG! This is your 800th login. A true TWHLer!
AJ18 years ago2006-01-02 03:29:56 UTC 0 comments
BrattyLord18 years ago2006-01-01 13:25:21 UTC 0 comments
Hello BrattyLord! This is your 2300th login.

oh, and Happy New Year!
Steinin18 years ago2006-01-01 02:36:39 UTC 0 comments
Maybe it's about time I write another entry.

I don't map anymore.
I don't have time for it.
I'm in the army.
I intend to study after I get out.

Thanks for reading, but don't pay too much attention to the ramblings of an old man.
dandyli0n`18 years ago2005-12-31 21:38:53 UTC 0 comments
Right now at Houston, Texas, it's 11:39 PM! (well, it's what my system clock says...)

Gotta enjoy the last 21 minutes of 2005 eating pie or something...
Instant Mix18 years ago2005-12-31 14:21:57 UTC 0 comments
:nuts: :nuts: I am going to eat peanut crakerz hauytrwea*squrcht*
fzzt. :nuts: :nuts: :zonked: Oh crap Shit Talker just Gone Mental.Still , my map ' WRECH ' is getting along and my dm_hoverdoom map is coming good.Also me (read this twice!)AUSTRALIAN friend Zac Made an igloo tiny bit o' snow with a hole in it. So far the winter has'nt been good and i did have a Very Merry Christmas.So... uhh.. NUKE THE TALIBAN / AL QUEADI / ANY ASS TERRORIST GROUP! :nuke: :nuke: :nuke: here comes Duke Nukem!
Ansith18 years ago2005-12-31 08:37:44 UTC 0 comments
Hello Ansith! This is your 800th login. A true TWHLer!
Elon Yariv18 years ago2005-12-31 01:25:44 UTC 0 comments
Happy new year!

I changed my avatar into a new year avatar! I'm the first one too! :biggrin: