
SpaG18 years ago2005-10-24 05:06:31 UTC 0 comments
I've been here for a year now, w00t
User posted image
Vixus18 years ago2005-10-24 03:59:49 UTC 0 comments
I've broken my finger it seems and need to wear a big splint for two months. Guess what, it's on my writing hand! Joy. Anyway, I've been playing Battlegrounds 2 all weekend cause it owns so much. Pwns even. Get it, play it, love it.

I'm getting on with my school map. It's looking OK. I've done a reception area so far. It's my first map, so I hope it turns out nicely.
satchmo18 years ago2005-10-23 21:05:46 UTC 0 comments
I went to IGN Live today. Read about the experience at my blog:

I also too some pictures.
Gackt18 years ago2005-10-23 19:14:38 UTC 0 comments
Not to be outdone by the team behind Halloween HL2, I now have given new life to my Half-Life 2 horror mod, Brethren. I'm definately going to miss a Halloween 2005 release, but I'm hoping to give them a run for their money at earning the crown for most-popular-horror-mod-of-October-2006. For those of you not in the know (or alternatively, who haven't read my forum posts), Brethren is a horror mod I'm making, designed to be a thinking man's Resident Evil.

Here's some things to look forward to:
  • A STRONG, plausible storyline (I'm a writer by trade in reality, so I feel this is my mod's most potent aspect) grounded in reality, featuring a new spin on why there are zombies/monsters lurking about.
  • Sandbox gameplay: I give you a level, and it's up to you to figure out the mysteries it holds. The gameplay is virtually non-linear, and players will have to earn a complete understanding of the story by investigation at their leisure, and in whatever way they can.
  • CHALLENGE. You WILL die if you don't think clearly. Why will it be hard? Well, unlike Resident Evil, you have realistic limitations: no guns, no HUD display (in real life, you don't have an HP counter), no ridiculously fast sprint (slower, more realistic movement forces you to think ahead of your present situation), among many other things.
  • Thrills and chills: Brethren goes beyond mere shock scares with its already-creepy atmosphere and intellectual rhetoric. You'll finish the game wondering if it could possibly happen in real life (that is, if you finish the game alive...)
  • Hammer-exclusive design: I am a strong supporter of Hammer-only mapping. I don't do modelling, and I don't do coding. As with my mech, I'm out to prove that the only limits to Hammer level design is your imagination. Also, what won't be present in terms of custom models will be made up for in clever level design, custom textures and innovative mapping.
  • Lastly, there will be a special treat for Malice Mizer fans... :glad:
Anyway, that's my shameless self-promotion. And to clarify, I'm not just talking about an abstract idea - the level is structurally complete, and I'm currently working on the scripting and puzzle elements. I'll only put out screenshots once the texturing of the main area is finalized, so until then, wish me luck.
Habboi18 years ago2005-10-23 07:35:03 UTC 0 comments
I'm gonna work on my map, IT'S SO AWESOME!
Elon Yariv18 years ago2005-10-23 07:33:19 UTC 0 comments
Hello Elon Yariv! This is your 1337th login.
9o()|) s7|_|p/-/!
What the fuck does that mean? :zonked:

I stopped modeling for a while for I want to return to building my compo entery! It's so awsome! :cool:

And my spamming rate is back to normal! :) (11.6)
Seventh-Monkey18 years ago2005-10-23 03:54:05 UTC 0 comments
7000 logins! Most ever :).
Ansith18 years ago2005-10-22 21:45:41 UTC 0 comments
Hello Ansith! This is your 300th login. WooHoo!

Getting a new computer soon YAY! I'll be able to play hl2 then :biggrin:

Working on pre-disaster maps for HL1 to work on arcitecture, Its coming along nicely
rowleybob18 years ago2005-10-22 07:10:40 UTC 0 comments
lo TWHL. Been busy with work lately, so please don't feel i'm neglecting you purposely :)
Vixus18 years ago2005-10-22 04:22:47 UTC 0 comments
I've polished off my website design and practising some modelling in Blender. I've been playing this awesome new game called Racer ( so I'm trying to model a car for it. Anyway, you can find my new site at
38_9818 years ago2005-10-21 12:21:03 UTC 0 comments
Well, i now have a 2 week half-term break. Although there are actually no plans for it...How sad

Since i've finally 'cleaned the slate' on my new computer im going to have to reinstall some old programs i enjoyed (Hammer, HL, Pinball...) And get some new ones in.

And also, i just had a large portion of chips with a 1/4 pound burger...

Thats pretty much it for today..
pepper18 years ago2005-10-21 03:40:23 UTC 0 comments
Updated my website, still WIP, but its getting there:
Andy18 years ago2005-10-20 02:00:45 UTC 0 comments
Three Years and one day ago I registered at TWHL.
Time has flown since the early days where there were 12 members. (and I think most of them were made up ;)

So what has happened?
Heaps.. new look, new administrators and heaps of new talent. Not to mention 2674 new members :-)

On the anniversary of my third year of involvement, I would like to take time to thank Atom for starting the site, Seventh, Rabid, and Ant for their continued dedication in keeping it going and a special thanks to my old mate SlayerA.

As for you lot.. Yeah, you lot.. the members, if it wasn't for you this site wouldn't be here..



No, thankyou! - Ant

Thank-you indeed! Glad you're still here and pleased with us :) - Alex
killer110218 years ago2005-10-19 23:10:28 UTC 0 comments
a few people have asked why I have HL2 but don`t map for source.
1)HL textures don`t fit my lab stye mapping(mayby when this black mesa source is done i`ll see if i can use theres)
2)2 many things i don`t understand- e.g logic_ ?
3)i don`t understand 90% of the animations.
4)info_nodes are to complex and hammer help doen`t give a list of what each setting does.
5)Aliens no longer pop up from nowhere :(
6)dosn`t have many of my faveriot aliens- bull ckicken , that thing in oposing force that you get that blue electric gun thing. The one that shoots those flys at you. and so on.
7)too many textures. When you can`t find a fitting keyword for what you want (eg ,metal or wood) it takes forever to get from top to bottom of the list by which time i find i forget what I was looking for.(mayby theres a better way of doing it)
8)Hammer lists modle and prop textures!I DON`T WANT THEM!!! :( :(
i might map for Fortress Forever if it`s as good as TFC in 6 mounths or so.
if i can get a HL2 level texture pack from black mesa source i might make my HL1 maps in HL2 so i can do better things.
Elon Yariv18 years ago2005-10-19 06:20:02 UTC 0 comments
Started modeling a while ago with Gmax and it's great! :nuts: I only know it compiler sucks so I'll use milkshape for that!! :biggrin:

In another news I stoped forum post rate is down by 0.1. :|

Q: My hammer crashes when I compile my map! :roll:

A: If the compiling log whitens out that means it's just working really hard, not crashes! If you wont do anything in the computer while compiling then it wont whiten out. If you get an allocblock:full error in the compiling log that means you don't have enough virtual memory to compile!
1)Don't do a thing in the computer while compiling.(worked for me with my winning compo entery)
2)If that doesn't work,get batch compiler.(a compiling tool that uses less memory the ZHLT and it's not connected to hammer)
3)If nothing works then you're busted! :P Get more virtual memory or remove those hard to render spot or spots from your map. :lol: