Journal #2581

Posted 18 years ago2005-10-19 06:20:02 UTC
Started modeling a while ago with Gmax and it's great! :nuts: I only know it compiler sucks so I'll use milkshape for that!! :biggrin:

In another news I stoped forum post rate is down by 0.1. :|

Q: My hammer crashes when I compile my map! :roll:

A: If the compiling log whitens out that means it's just working really hard, not crashes! If you wont do anything in the computer while compiling then it wont whiten out. If you get an allocblock:full error in the compiling log that means you don't have enough virtual memory to compile!
1)Don't do a thing in the computer while compiling.(worked for me with my winning compo entery)
2)If that doesn't work,get batch compiler.(a compiling tool that uses less memory the ZHLT and it's not connected to hammer)
3)If nothing works then you're busted! :P Get more virtual memory or remove those hard to render spot or spots from your map. :lol:


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