
doodle19 years ago2004-12-27 14:12:23 UTC 0 comments
Woot got vampire the masquearade: bloodlines.
Its gotten me hooked. A great plot,a great arsenal, GREAT convo's with the person ALWAYS saying rather than you having to read :p. Got me into the vampire world within the first 15 mins, so great start. Great scenery with clever locations.
Seventh-Monkey19 years ago2004-12-26 00:25:06 UTC 0 comments
Feliz navidad, and welcome back Rabideh. I'm damn chuffed 'cos I got a piano.
Anonymous19 years ago2004-12-25 14:30:15 UTC 0 comments
AJ19 years ago2004-12-24 04:43:08 UTC 0 comments
Merry Christmas everyone!
Jax19 years ago2004-12-23 21:24:05 UTC 0 comments
doodle19 years ago2004-12-19 23:50:05 UTC 0 comments
I want to dedicated this entry to RabidMonkey and the admins. Rabid: Possibly one of the most helpfull and kind person on this site.
Even anon views him in respect, and he's on the front page.
One of the best mappers I know and yet one of the friendliest. He trully know that with great power comes great responsibility :P.
I think in recent times Andy and Seventh also deserve a mention in handling the recent disasters.
Toward the general public of this site: People its not only anon whos ruining this point in time, its you. you get out what you put in, what goes around comes around etc etc...
Just try. Your the ones who are flaming back. Before hitting the post button read over and see if you are posting something positive and respectfull towards that person. please people. dont rock the boat...
Seventh-Monkey19 years ago2004-12-19 23:39:08 UTC 0 comments
Bye, Rabideh; bon voyage.
Jimmy19 years ago2004-12-19 14:13:04 UTC 1 comment
just starting cant get worldcraft to work :(
Saribous19 years ago2004-12-19 03:41:23 UTC 0 comments
Lol @ Anthony's journal :P
I agree to 100%. I had the beta a few months ago and it sucks.
Nudge was fun for about 10 seconds, then it got annoying.
same goes for the new "smileys".

But i'm thinking about downloading the beta again and sending a nudge to Anthony ;)
DestrucTionZ19 years ago2004-12-19 01:20:32 UTC 0 comments
ZzZzZzZzZZzZzZzZzZzZzZZzZZzzzZZzzzZzZZzZzZzZ : :roll:
AJ19 years ago2004-12-18 20:06:29 UTC 0 comments
Rant of the Week

I might incorporate a section similar to this in my website on stuff that annoys the living hell out of me.

This week we take a look at MSN Messenger 7 BETA, the long awaited next version of the popular MSN program. Now, I have the beta, which is freely availiable on the Internet, and after extensive use of the latest Beta (which is version 7.0.0425 no less) as well as previous versions, I've come to the conclusion that the program is, to put it very simply, absolute crap.
Now how did I ever come to this conclusion about ol' faithful MSN? Let's go through it then:

1. Addition of 'Features' - The program has been upgraded with a new GUI as well as a bunch of added features. The GUI is nice, so no worries there. However, let's turn to the new features. First off, we have the 'Nudge', which, when clicked, will shake the receivers message window. While this can seem cute at the start, it eventually annoys the shit outta you as you start a 'Nudge War'. There is no option to turn off the receival of nudges which leads to patching which a few helpful members of the Internet have decided to release. Bad Feature Number 1.
Bad Feature Number 2 is the inclusion of little Flash animated 'Winks' which are supposed to be the next step up from generic emoticons. These are large and very annoying. Although you have the choice whether you wish to accept them or not, they are intrusive and cannot be stopped once started.
Bad Feature Number 3 would have to be the consistent push to get the user to purchase stuff such as Emoticons, Display pictures and Background Images. These are littered everywhere: in the emoticon window, the menus on the main Messenger window and elsewhere. Frankly, this is a pathetic move for the so called 'free' program. It's very easy to be deceived by the advertisements, as they usually say something like "Click here for more emoticons" which sends you to a purchase page. Frankly, if you're stupid enough to buy emoticons, then you'll love MSN Messenger 7.

2. The Ads - And you thought previous versions were bad: you ain't seen nothing yet. The amount of ads in MSN Messenger 7 is mind boggling: be it the overfilled side tabs, the large bar at the bottom, and even small ads in the actual conversation themselves, there is nearly no escape for the montage of pathetic advertisements. Once again, the helpful, unofficial (thank goodness) patches help to alliviate this problem. However, on this point, I must express my outrage at these rather intrusive and annoying advertisements. Microsoft, the grand debonair of all things computer related, have converted MSN, like all Microsoft products, into a commercialised, useless shell of a program. With all the ads, it almost seems like the product now has to be registered so that the ads will disappear like some shareware program! Not happy!

3. Annoying Idiots that use it - With the 'appeal' of a fresh faced MSN Messenger as well as new dynamic features, the entire mass of a bloated population has jumped on the bandwagon and downloaded the new program with no idea about how bad it really is. Since a lot of people who use MSN Messenger prefer to ignore any sort of fiddling and/or fixing, most remain ignorant to the absolute idiocy that has gone into the creation of this program. What really ticks me off is people who advertise the program as is: that is without any patches and/or fixes. This is unacceptable. People who spam its crappy features should be jailed for life. It's utterly pathetic and pointless, especially by those who've no idea what the hell a monitor is let alone know how to fix a program.

My version of MSN Messenger 7 has had applied to it copious amounts of patches to get it running at an acceptable level. Microsoft's changes to the software show just how uncaring it is to the general public who don't know better. This program accentuates Microsofts greedy stranglehold on the 'user friendly' aspect of the world, a stranglehold that should not, in any circumstances, be there at all.
own3cl19 years ago2004-12-18 12:19:14 UTC 0 comments
i just so happen to be a real NINJA!!! >=O
Who-da-Mapper19 years ago2004-12-18 06:14:38 UTC 0 comments
Who-da-Mapper19 years ago2004-12-18 06:14:13 UTC 0 comments
i thought journal were personal who has been posting mine :(
on the front page lol
Who-da-Mapper19 years ago2004-12-17 09:20:08 UTC 0 comments
i board, im board, you (points to him self) board...

i hear many things about TWHL dying, but why is it i joined?