
rufee10 years ago2014-03-05 10:25:47 UTC 14 comments
Entered the second decade, in other words turned 20 :)
Instant Mix10 years ago2014-03-04 23:17:30 UTC 16 comments
I might have got a little too impulsive today.

Before I headed off to uni, I was telling my mates about how getting a mohawk or something silly along those lines would probably be beneficial in freshers week so i'd be more noticeable - sort of like "oh yeah I was smashed as fuck last night but I remember speaking to this guy with a mohawk for ages" - and thought I'd be recognized as mohawk guy.

To be fair, it was something I kinda wanted to have just in general.

Due to something that insanely pissed me off this Sunday, I thought "fuck it" and "I should be more in control of what I want to be" , and popped into the barbers.
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Hair on the left is from not even a week ago - hair on the right; today.

So far everyone likes it, and they say it "suits me" ( apparently I have a very 'angry' walk ). I too am also pretty chuffed with it.. but it's impossible to get a decent photo.

Going to need to invest in a hat though
Rimrook10 years ago2014-03-03 04:05:41 UTC 5 comments
Couldn't help myself.

Rimrook10 years ago2014-02-27 06:50:25 UTC 8 comments
Instant Mix10 years ago2014-02-26 09:33:41 UTC 6 comments
Last saturday I decided to enter the Edinburgh Uni's Game Dev. Soc. Gamejam competition. Expecting not to even be noticed, somehow after this two day period of working solidly on this game I managed to win with my team.
The theme was "End of the World".

Our idea isn't very unique but it's not been done before - I'll let this image explain.
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It's a flappy bird clone except that it's two player, both players race each other to the centre of the map which is St. Basil's cathedral. Only major difference is that you can fire projectiles across the screen that can hinder the other player.
It's really quite fun, and give it a shot here if you wish.

One of my team-members is really insistent we push it to something like the appstore but I'm not too keen myself; seems too much effort for little return.
DiscoStu10 years ago2014-02-25 18:59:41 UTC 16 comments
Tetsu010 years ago2014-02-24 13:29:46 UTC 5 comments
I wrote a book! Feb 21st, 2014: I'm officially a published author.
I woke up this morning to an email from my publisher stating the book is officially published. I breathed out a sigh of relief and now I'm just waiting to hold this crazy book in my hands. Again, I cannot thank the TWHL Moderators and community enough.

Check out the thread here for more details and updates.
ninja defuse10 years ago2014-02-21 14:07:39 UTC 7 comments
Spring is here

i went for a walk and took pictures :)
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Archie10 years ago2014-02-21 05:32:37 UTC 6 comments
I made a video tutorial which is sadly not supported on TWHL, but if you have any interest in how I made my 'evolution' videos to promote The Core, check it out on Youtube.
I'd love some feedback!
Striker10 years ago2014-02-20 12:02:23 UTC 4 comments
Has somebody jumped in the Banished bandwagon?

It's totally addictive. And infuriating when famine suddenly strikes out of nowhere.

[EDIT] Also, bought 1kg of sauerkraut. The second fermented food I'm addicted to( the first one being pickled herring). Damn this shit is so good.
Captain Terror10 years ago2014-02-20 10:35:39 UTC 18 comments
Lo, this MONSTER!
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Ever wonder how upgrading your gfx card will affect your 3d rendering ability in Hammer 4?
The answer is: Big-time!

Definitely noticed a general performance increase after getting a rig with an i7 processor, but since I didn't map much at the time, I can't be sure to what extent.

Now, after upgrading my gfx card(from GTX 630 to a GTX 650), the 3D performance increase is unmistakable! Before, I'd have to visgroup like a bandit just to have smooth 3D navigation on a big map, but now, I can have the entire map visible while editing, with no choppiness, nor any sort of lag!

If you were thinking about upgrading your gfx card and you map a lot, hesitate no further!*

*For Hammer 4 at least. i have yet to do any testing with Hammer 3.x
Jessie10 years ago2014-02-18 11:11:57 UTC 4 comments
I'm somewhat getting into Source Filmmaker. It's good on its own and all, but I daresay now would be a good opportunity to learn modelling to supplement it if I continue to make stuff with it.

What's a good modelling program, preferrably free (or at least quite cheap)? And if there's a couple that fit the criteria, what's the pros and cons of each?
Striker10 years ago2014-02-13 16:43:58 UTC 6 comments
Multiplexers, demultiplexers, counters, flip-flops, registers... all these sounded really fun before.
Why does college make me hate things I used to be enthusiastic at the thought of studying them?

The exam is in less than a week and I still have no idea how to implement a simple counter with JK-FF and MUX. Fuck this shit! Nope, JK I have to pass haha.
Archie10 years ago2014-02-12 23:35:51 UTC 13 comments
Hello. My name is Vladimir.

I am a bareback double IPA. Gasp as I ride semi-naked on horseback through the Siberian tundra and straight down your throat.

I am 100% hetero and will pass laws to prove it. Drinking me gives you the energy, ignorance and dogmatism required to shoot a deer (with your top off), go river fishing (with your top off) and pass internationally denounced, discriminatory legislation (top optional) before you've even had your caviare breakfast.

I contain sexual performance enhancing limonnik berries - power only to be harnessed by those engaging with the opposite sex, of course.

From Russia, without love,

Warning: May contain traces of sarcasm and protest.
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Rimrook10 years ago2014-02-10 13:27:16 UTC 24 comments
Ok in 15 minutes I leave to get my Vasectomy.

I'll let you know how it goes.