
bojidar4oto11 years ago2013-01-25 07:34:05 UTC 13 comments
Processed in a speedy 73 milliseconds.
brendanmint11 years ago2013-01-25 04:56:33 UTC 2 comments
Hello fair and just TWHL! It's been a long time, how are you? I'm fine-ish! I posted it in the chat a day ago but I'm going to journal this accomplishment so anyone who cares can see it FOREVER*. I made a game in Action Script 3. I call it EatManyHats, no spaces.
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You play as a Fez, who eats other hats.
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It took me about days to get it to where it is, and I'm very proud of what I've down. It started from me just wanting to learn how to code, something, ANYTHING! And while I decided to take a programming class in school next year, it wasn't good enough, I wanted to learn now! And I did! So that's the long boring back story of how it came to be.

Here is the game, I'd like to add it is not complete, I'm adding to it almost constantly in my little free time.

T..Touch the Stetson. I dare you.**

Don't feel like playing it? Or giving me feedback I can use? I made a video of it!

Quick update for 2.1

2.4 - Points

*Until TWHL is shut down or older journals begin to get deleted.

**This eats the Fez.
Alabastor_Twob11 years ago2013-01-21 19:12:20 UTC 9 comments
I saw a satellite in the sky just now. I was in the car and saw that the sky was extremely clear (not a visible cloud in the sky, which is unusual), and the moon and stars bright. One of those nights where you can see quite well by the moonlight, which normally only happens on a full moon, so I'd stood out to look at the stars. Anyway, one of them was moving, faster than a low flying jet would seem to go, but there was no sound, and no flashing lights, so it must have been a satellite.

In other news, I built a simple version of a Valveless Pulse Jet Engine, which is basically just a jar with a hole drilled in the lid. At the moment it's kind of dangerous to use, as they apparently explode on occasion, and to use it I have to fill it with fuel and hold a lighter to the hole in the top. I am working on an electric ignition system though, so I should put a picture or a video up when I do. And perhaps I might even build a fuel feed some day and turn it into something other than a useless novelty. :P
Notewell11 years ago2013-01-18 20:58:11 UTC 5 comments
So today I made my first major performance in front of a large group of people.

As a final summative project in Drama, we had to create and perform a one-act play clocking in at around 50 minutes. So we got the entire class on board for one massive production. Today we performed it in front of a large portion of the school as part of the arts festival. We got good laughs, (it was a dark comedy) and surprisingly, I got good laughs. People were coming up to me for the rest of the day and telling me I had a good performance, that I was great, that I was the best person up there (that last one, IMO, is BS, but I appreciate the gesture)

So yeah. Timid old me was up on stage playing an old retired mob boss and talking about how to get laid. One of my friends described me as being the most confident she's ever seen me, and I just got this message from our director:
"Jeff, I cannot express how impressed I am by your performance today. To be honest, I was a little nervous about how you would do. Nothing personal, but you've never performed something of this magnitude before, but I'm glad to say that I was proven wrong. I'm so proud of how you made Old Man Jannety into your own character. You were truly a highlight of the play, and I'm proud to call you a colleague and a friend. 10/10 would perform again."

You could say I feel proud of myself right about now.
satchmo11 years ago2013-01-18 06:20:01 UTC 0 comments
I wrote a game guide for my own Portal 2 puzzle.
Instant Mix11 years ago2013-01-16 16:59:36 UTC 0 comments
Trying to go to university update #3
Unconditional from Glasgow, and Heriot-watt have changed my course from computational physics to standard physics because the course isn't actually being done anymore... that's a bit stupid like.
Takatalvi11 years ago2013-01-16 03:41:41 UTC 1 comment
Can you beat my pro hi-score?

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I would like to see one guy with a score of 12345
The Mad Carrot11 years ago2013-01-13 14:55:40 UTC 24 comments
Look at this, some guy PM'ing me on ModDB requesting all the rmf source files of my Uplink Extended mod:
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Links to the screenshots:

Judging by one of the comments on one of those screenshots:
[b]Seriously rose, enough of your pointless trolling. if you think you are so good, prove it. otherwise you are just showing everyone how much trash you are.[/b], it seems it's pretty clear this guy is not what he seems to be, this looks like a total scam to me.

Should I decline his request?
Instant Mix11 years ago2013-01-09 16:22:23 UTC 8 comments
I hate lockerbie.

I go there every Wednesday to do advanced higher physics, and it turns out that one of my classmates there gets to go to america for a year, gets basically free money and is spoon fed a shit tonne of stuff to do simply because some asshole crashed a plane there before he was even born.

I wish moffat had a plane crash 20 years ago as well.
2muchvideogames11 years ago2013-01-08 19:49:00 UTC 1 comment
Been playing two things recently:

1. Rebellion - a 47-map mod focusing entirely on soldiers. It goes pretty well with the custom mod I mentioned before. I think I saw like 4-5 heavies in the entire trip, some of which were placed in surprising good places (like there's one right outside the train I was riding)

2. Single player The Ship - This can be considered a source mod, I suppose. However, It's kinda dumb. I'm at this one part where I have to escort this fat paraplegic nazi everywhere and there's thugs out to kill him. Soooo hard. This dude appears around the corner with a revolver, and he kills me in 1 hit. It takes 2 hits for me to kill him WITH THE SAME WEAPON, which is just totally unfair. And bots have autoaim so he NEVER MISSES. Not to mention, This dude with a club runs at me WHEN THERE'S TWO POLICEMEN IN THE AREA. And I pull out a weapon and I'm INSTANTLY BUSTED. It's games like these, where the computer is a cheating asshat, that makes me not a happy baby.
Rimrook11 years ago2013-01-08 07:04:15 UTC 2 comments
Probably the best screenshot thus far in int he SMJ Project.
User posted image
Instant Mix11 years ago2013-01-06 17:26:26 UTC 2 comments
Unconditional to aberdeen for physics as well..
keeping dem fingers crossed for the burgh
Habboi11 years ago2013-01-04 12:36:59 UTC 7 comments
EDIT: Ok we've got a decent amount of feedback. Seems you cannot escape problems after all. It seems my flowmaps look fucked up on low settings, particles don't work an we have to remove refracting textures as they are causing a decent amount of framerate drops.

Thanks again people!

Hey dudes I need someone with CSGO to test my level sometime soon as my partner says he gets a huge drop in framerate when looking at the refracting textures but I do not. We also tested it on a powerful PC and it was fine so now I need someone with a so-so PC to test it for me.

All you need is CSGO and just add me on Steam : Habboi
Crollo11 years ago2013-01-01 03:59:25 UTC 7 comments
Happy fuckin new years