
Duffm@n17 years ago2006-11-03 07:10:00 UTC 0 comments
Twhl is not what it used to be. I mean, yeah the website does a great job in tutorials and competions etc, but the PEOPLE seem to have changed.

I dont like it. Not at all.

Where are the days where you would post a map and people would be so kind and helpful with feedback and positive things to say- even if the map was pile of turd. Nowadays you will be lucky to get a 'err, n00b mapper, learn to map' comment. Reading with your eyes closed is more informative and helpful.

But seriously people, of course there are the exeptions, i know of the long term mapping gods of this website are still around, keeping a watchful eye on events. But the sheer volume of jeb ends who are now plaguing this community. Why cant we all just get along?

Wey, thats my opinion.

Should've seen it back when I joined the site. ;) - Ant
Duffm@n17 years ago2006-08-06 07:17:53 UTC 0 comments
Ok, been away making this cs:s map for quite some time, and its finally approaching first play tests. i think ive been on with this map for over 4 months now, almost everyday! will let you guys know when it arrives but some strong feedback would be greatly appreciated, and a lot of testing if anyone can be bothered!

All im saying now is that it is a small, very compact de_map with a unique style of gameplay. Originally starting off as a fy_map, the similarities are obvious. The map has a slight dod feel to it, as it is set in a war-struck part of run down england.

Watch this space! i am looking to finish the beta by the end of this month.

Oh, also this map is more than likely going to be appearing on team carrick's 14 man server eventually, so i raelly need some help testing it please!

Thanks boyos (and girls)


Duffm@n17 years ago2006-06-21 07:24:32 UTC 0 comments
wow, so my first ever journal entry. seems funny as ive been here for so long already! just havent ever gotten around to it.

The main reason for writing this is that i have gone primarily over to source. With that, 3 brand new maps are being currently worked upon, with a few interesting ideas in each. Im aiming to release the first at the end of the month, but we shall see how that goes. All 3 maps are aimed and cs source.

Mapping skills have improved significantly- i look back on previous work and see the rubbish i have submitted. Hopefully this will all now change.

Thanks for reading!

Duffm@n18 years ago2005-07-20 02:40:36 UTC 0 comments

hi everyone, big fan of cs and hl, done quite a few maps posted on other sites under the same name, but really found this ones tutorials useful and hopefully want to enter into some map competions!

this site looks great btw, nice1.

L8rs, Duffm@n