
cyber-drugs20 years ago2004-06-15 04:35:44 UTC 0 comments
Had some HD Problems and lost alot of data, but back up and running now, just need to get my map working again, got a few errors on it, which I should hopefully fix soon, and then I can take my screenshots, and build the rest of my game engine, put in all the images, build some characters and animation sequences, and then I should done. :P

Woo ^^

I'm nearly there! Graduation in 2 weeks though :zonked:

Cyber-Drugs :cool:
cyber-drugs20 years ago2004-06-11 05:36:46 UTC 0 comments
My map is nearly completed, I've learned quite alot in the process of making it, and I graduate soon, so soon enough I'll be able to make loads of maps without any worries about uni :)

Cyber-Drugs :cool:
cyber-drugs20 years ago2004-06-04 04:41:34 UTC 0 comments
Managed to finish my map for my university project, just need to get to grips with the whole taking 200 screenshots :-/

When I finish all my uni work and graduate next month I'll take this map, a load to it, and add it to "My Maps". Maybe the next thing I'll do is design my fiance's neighborhood :P

Let's see how it goes :)

Cyber-Drugs :cool: