Journal #1574

Posted 19 years ago2005-02-26 03:02:30 UTC
quit working on canyon oasis for awhile and started on a remake (yes another one) of bespin mining station. Got the main trap room done and a small corridor leading to an elevator. So far it looks fucking awesome and the trap is gruesome as shit. I really like the brush work I did in this one. Its simple complex architecture. Kinda contradicts itself, so I guess you could call it "advanced noob architecture". Looks awesome in my book and the cubemaps make me drool. SHINY!! Lighting is going pretty good. The main thing I did different is im not rushing to get all the architecture done and make the whole thing look pretty at the end, Im taking it one room at a time and not moving on till that room is 100% done. Works alot better this way and it shows, and Im actually testing the map too heh, didnt do that in CO till I had the whole level done and I found out the scale was all messed up. But it still came out alright, luckily. Just got a lil bored with that map since I couldnt figure out how to fix the terrain by the pool of water to make it look believable. Its all f'ed up! I'll post pics up of bespin when I get more of it done. Right now I can only show you 2 rooms, which look awesome, but I'll hold off. IM SO EXCITED THIS MAP IS GONNA KICK ASS!!!


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