Journal #2934

Posted 18 years ago2006-01-25 19:53:58 UTC
Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
Damn... I never knew how incredibly bad the half life engine really is.
Or is it me? Just SUCKING at making maps? I can model and detail quite well, i think. But the layout lacks functionality, and the r-speeds are quite bad.
I cant really devote enough time to this as i originally wanted to. Between Work, School (its exam week), and Robotics (Team 1071, MAX),
It leaves like.. 3 hours a day free time, and with that im probably playing guitar or going to taco bell with my band. :| sigh :|
This map is coming out great. Astecially that is. I need more time to mess with hints and such, i should probably split up my Func_walls too... After reading that Hint tutorial, it SHOULD help the r-speeds a bit. probably like.. 4


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