Journal #3275

Posted 18 years ago2006-05-13 08:12:05 UTC
Habboi HabboiSticky White Love Glue
My life...I couldn't ask for a better one to be honest...

I feel like sharing some news and what better place than here...

You may have read the post below this and most likely think I am crazy.
Well I'm not...I am indeed working on my own mod that will make me stand out in the gaming industry and thus make me appear more impressive.

Ambitious you say? Maybe...What I do know is I can do it...I'll explain:

My story is simple and it works out so well that this mod will not require too much work...I need modellers and coders so I manage to get a modeller with sheer luck. He demands concepts so I PM a load of professional concept artists and again by sheer luck I hire two.

Portfolio of one:

He has given me what he calls a 'quick' sketch and if that is true then I especially look forward to the final drawing.

Funny story: I hired one concept artist and receive an email from whom I thought was the same guy...So I post details and he replies with "What picture? You didn't send me one?" and it took me a couple of days to realise it was a different guy...

So now I have two concept artists drawing away for me...My plan is to draw three colossus and then get my modeller to model them out...Hopefully Strider can texture them...(Have you seen his texture skills? God-like...)

Once I have three modelled and skinned I will compile them in a few custom maps and post the media on a lot of HL2 sites...Then I pray a coder will come...I know for a fact that one will join...They may be rare but after they see the work I can do they will beg to join ;)

That's my plan so far and I really hope it works out.

Got my AS exams in less than 2 weeks time...Yikes.

If you want to help me then do say so...However I'm after professionals really...If you have friends who code then please do share.

On recent news I have not touched Dedication 2 in quite a while...Oh I plan on finishing it...Hunter encouraged me to make de_boshi better...

I may even start working on Dedication 2 today...Hunter sent me his room not too long ago and that has boosted my confidence again...His room is actually quite nice..Reminds me of those old doom games I never played but saw on Google.

Thanks for reading.


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