Journal #4259

Posted 17 years ago2007-05-12 23:56:46 UTC
Since summer is near and that means ill have alot more time mapping, I've started on my differnt version of Half-Life Funny Force. Instead it will be called, Half-Life Gordon's Free Time. Since I dont have much done so far, and im still getting ideas for levels, I thought I would post a pic of how its looking so far, I need quiet a bit of work on Sequences since im not to good at them, but when it comes to Architecture, im really good at that if I put work into it.

P1. Nothing really is going on
P2. Pop machine falls on scientist and human grunt, and a scientist gets in line, and Alien Slave begins to jump in place.
P3.Alien Slave is almost in air.
P4.Alien Slave jumps in place, but ends up where he would be if he jumped normal, and a scientist apears out of nowhere.
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