Journal #4457

Posted 17 years ago2007-07-12 23:11:28 UTC
Onto level 9 of FF, still havent done level 6, but if anyone wants to do level 6, its already all made, its just needs funny things in it, but if nobody wants to I can still finish the map. Level 8 of FF is basicly half funny, half action, your middle boss is a box, dont judge the box by its name... a... er... box. Level 9 of FF is Josho190's Gordans Secrets, but this map will be majorly changed, already half way done with fixing it up, after that the odd things will roll in.

I think from now on, if I post a journal before I goto bed, in it ill include the time it is, tempature, and current song on, idk why.

3:16AM Tempature 61F Freestyle Project - Freaktonight


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