Journal #5319

Posted 15 years ago2008-08-30 19:38:06 UTC
Taylor TaylorJohn Romero's Bitch

The nightmares with the Valkyrs look like something you would see in Doom 3, and Jim Bravura is played by Ludacris (wtf.)...but I really hope they don't fuck this one entirely up. It seems to follow the storyline of the game much more, than any other video game adaptation to date, and I'll definatly go see it.

Please Fox, make it worth all that money.


Commented 15 years ago2008-08-31 01:33:01 UTC Comment #50575
I'll be seeing it, though I am not expecting anything.. well, good. The Valkyries are hallucinations from the drug, and they're being given far too much screentime.

I've read the script for this, it's mild at best. As always they just want to show of flashy special effects rather than stick to strong storytelling.
Commented 15 years ago2008-08-31 04:50:24 UTC Comment #50579
That's what I'm afraid of. They could at least try to move out of that damn CG world, and do something different/decent.

Btw, reading the script now, it's full of Valkyries already, and I'm only at page 5. :/

Edit: "Max slides his cut-up knuckles" - God no.
Commented 15 years ago2008-08-31 10:57:36 UTC Comment #50577
They do max payne, but they drop the Halo movie.
Commented 15 years ago2008-08-31 11:04:43 UTC Comment #50576
Max Payne had more promise than Halo. D:
Commented 15 years ago2008-08-31 16:46:40 UTC Comment #50578
I haven't played Halo, but seriously....the whole 'master chief' character fails completely.

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