Today I decided that I want to do a different kind of mod than I had planned for after Colony 42. I originally wanted the story of a Gun store employee taking revenge on the marines who killed his boss, But I think that the NPC choice of citizens, soliders, cops, and a sniper or two would be done a lot better on source, and I long ago found out that what I planned as my first source mod had already been done to death (Rebel citizen escaping City 17 after the uprising)And I need a source project to plan and refine for when I can acsess steam again. So, anyway, I decided to look into coding a simple NPC (An added female form of barney to go fix the bug where custom voices go back to the original pain and death sounds) I may look for someone who can verify that It will do what I want later on, but only after I finish Colony 42. Look out coding world, I'm planning a trip! /Long journal
But the player likes his boss, he's a nice old man.
But really, who can blame them? They just like their guns!