Journal #5896

Posted 15 years ago2009-06-21 09:24:00 UTC
Penguinboy PenguinboyHaha, I died again!
Side project showcase!

I'm almost finished the first semester of uni for this year (1 more week, 3 exams), so I'm ready to start on my big project again. I just thought I might show off some of my random side projects that I started during the semester. (I didn't want to do any big project until my break, which is a month long, starting next week.)

Project the first: Pixel city clone
Goal: Make this.
(Read more about it here.)

Seeing this kinda inspired me to make it myself (in my own code) so I can learn more. So I did. Sort of.

How far I got:
See for yourself:
Randomly generated window texture:
User posted image
Randomly generated roadmap:
User posted image
Random roadmap filled with random buildings:
User posted image
And there I stopped. Don't know enough about texturing and the maths behind texturing yet.

Project status:
On hold. It's not dead, and I still want to finish it. But it's on the backburner until I get motivated to learn texturing and actually code it up.

Can you have it?
Sure (needs .NET installed).

Controls: WASD + right click to move and look
Y recreates the whole map
U toggles wireframe outlines (it's different to the screenshot wireframe)

PS: Big project will start development again next week, hopefully you'll all hear more about it soon! It's currently 23372 lines of code.


Commented 15 years ago2009-06-21 10:09:42 UTC Comment #50006
Wow, that's pretty cool! Should give it a go someday myself in XNA.

In the video it felt pretty realistic.
Commented 15 years ago2009-06-21 11:11:00 UTC Comment #50012
Hey, pretty cool so far.
Looking forward to big project media as well. :]
Commented 15 years ago2009-06-21 13:47:32 UTC Comment #50013
I hope "big project" doesn't end up being something... dissappointing.
You sure are keeping us on edge about it.
Commented 15 years ago2009-06-21 14:06:36 UTC Comment #50015
So it's a huge, randomly generated city? cool.
Commented 15 years ago2009-06-21 18:06:05 UTC Comment #50009
Hey that's a cool idea. I liked it very much. Awesome video.
Commented 15 years ago2009-06-21 18:27:03 UTC Comment #50011
@saw: hopefully it won't disappoint :)

@everyone: yeah, the video is awesome :>
Commented 15 years ago2009-06-21 18:33:47 UTC Comment #50007
How the fuck is that done. It blows my mind when i think about the fact that i sometimes even have troubles with just a simple Windows forms application.

Its not fair.
Commented 15 years ago2009-06-22 05:45:17 UTC Comment #50008
Big project is big.
Small project is big too, but not for the same reasons.

I like big.
Commented 15 years ago2009-06-22 07:46:50 UTC Comment #50010
I read through the tutorial (guide) that the original creator did. It was very interesting. Even for a minimalist programmer such as myself.
It inspired me to make my own program!
which i immediatley ditched becuase then i remembered:
I can only code in basic, and Visual basic.

But i did start on a Hl2:Ep2 engine SDK RPG.....
More of that to come in future journals....

Looking good penguin. Don't give up.
I'd love to see what your version looks like.
Commented 15 years ago2009-06-22 17:30:37 UTC Comment #50014
Wow that is super cool!

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