Journal #5897

Posted 15 years ago2009-06-21 09:34:38 UTC
This is a list of some things I've learned since I registered here. Most things are from TWHL, but a few are from other sites.
1. Basic, intermediate, and 'advanced' mapping.
2. Basic modeling.
3. Gabe Newell and World Crafter share a hobby.
4. People who save lives as a job may spend every free second shooting anything that moves.
5. Trilby wearing geeks make good voice actors.
6. Luke thinks I should STFU.
7. If he can't ask politely, he should STFU.
8. Just because you've been banned from a forum 102393257358746 1/2 times, doesn't mean you have to stop going there.
9. Never pet a burning dog.
10. People with MP5s pwn people with M4s. (Actually, that's from The Rock, I suggest you watch it if you haven't)
11. Gearbox had some really bad ideas for the HD pack. Terrible ideas.
12. Kirby is a peashooter....?
13. Black Mesa will be done when it's done. AKA, 2 days before the resonance cascade. The maps will be 100% accurate.
14. Just because it seems like a good example map, doesn't mean it IS a good example map.
User posted image
16. There's nothing like a good MOTM review.
17. You can even recycle RMF and VMF files. Many, many times.
18. Lupus is a good diagnosis for anything.
19. If it won't do it's scripted sequence, kill it!
20. HL can have up to 16 levelchanges in a single map. This can make a FPS RPG possible for goldsource.
There's a lot more I've learned, but this is just off the top of my head.


Commented 15 years ago2009-06-21 16:49:15 UTC Comment #60345
Commented 15 years ago2009-06-21 16:53:43 UTC Comment #60342
I laughed out loud when I read #3 :D
Commented 15 years ago2009-06-21 20:04:46 UTC Comment #60346
It's true!
Commented 15 years ago2009-06-22 00:02:15 UTC Comment #60343
You should shut the fuck up.
Commented 15 years ago2009-06-22 03:08:12 UTC Comment #60344
HL can have up to 16 levelchanges in a single map. This can make a FPS RPG possible for goldsource.
Good luck making that. Heh.
Commented 15 years ago2009-07-06 15:57:33 UTC Comment #60347
This Journal was very poorly recived...
I thought it would at least be contreversial... :/

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