Title : Sweet jesus.
I have no idea why I came back to this site.
Honestly , no idea. I've spent years on Facepunch and I plan to do so.
Although my mapping skills were greatly increased by the good people of TWHL.
Looking through my previous journals.. Christ - to think I came onto this site when I was 9.. Almost 5 years ago.
It is so weird. Just to think.
No wonder I'm the top in my graphics class!
Anyway , Basically I'm going to be popping in now and again. I'm improving my modelling skills :
, and hopefully to start practicing on rigging. That and faceposing. When That's done , I may have a stab at Cyclone , Although I still have the ideas jotted down on paper and on .vmfs , it will probably never happen.
So really , this is just to say , Hello , and goodbye.
cool man
And , yep , it is pretty weird to also look back on the things you have posted..
And yes Tetsu0 , that is the Flak Cannon. And hopefully , with a bunch of other people helping , It'd be a SWep in Gmod.