I just found out us Romanians are on the 4th place at the internet connection speeds.
The irony is that the "internetization" took place in Romania later than in other countries, like UK for example. But that gives us an advantage now: the equipments are more modern.
Here's the top:
http://www.techpark.net/2009/04/08/internet-connection-speed-the-top-10-countries/I couldn't found an updated top, but I saw in a forum discussion that our average speed climbed to 6,2 mbps(and that's exactly my internet speed...), Romania still being in the 4th place.
Well, maybe in the future we'll have gaming studios among the best ones in the world. We'll beat the shit out of the other countries :D.
very optimistic scenario
Am creat acest blog pentru ca sunt dornic sa-mi vedeti experimentele, sa invatati din ele. Acest blog ma caracterizeaza pe mine, si imi este mai usor sa dau un link de blog la cineva care vrea sa stie cum sunt decat sa-i explic.
Good stuff though ;o
I created this blog because I want to share with you my experiments, to learn from them. This blog characterizes me, and it's easier to me to give someone a link to the blog if he/she wants to see more of my personality than to stay and explain.
Although that may not be entirely true