I got a grand idea for a map! BRB.
Not So Original Post:
I found out that Poison Garden, Poison Garden Lite, and Sunden are no longer available because m0px.net has gone down. I'll see if I can get them reuploaded soonish. Also, Can Headcrabs Float might be uploaded as well if I can find it.
Original Post:
So I played some awesome TF2 last night. Apparently it was a night where people were doing dramatic readings of terrible fan-fictions from around the internet. One of which was a Sonic the Hedgehog porn story, I couldn't stop laughing. To keep the time limit at maximum, the server was set to taunt kills only and no capturing or anything.
I faved the server.
Also, I hope you didn't read GD while you were on there.
However, my lighting will not smooth out. since the textures are pretty much flat colors, RAD makes a buttfuck of noisey diffuse artifacts all over everything. I really don't want to full-bright it... although it looks ok full bright.