Journal #6546

Posted 14 years ago2010-05-06 23:28:51 UTC
Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
Thanks Valve. For screwing everything up.
Recently, valve updated a bunch of crap.
Firstly, i hate the new steam layout. Why can't i access the tools or games straight from the icon? i have to go digging for another 4-5 clicks before i can access what i want. [although I do admit, it LOOKS nice]
Secondly, whatever update valve did f'd my shiz up hardcore. The orange box Hammer doesnt run properly at all - all i get is white models and blank 2-D views [video card drivers have nothing to do with it, i'm up to date] I tried the 'load old binaries' trick don punch suggested - no dice. It worked all nicey nice but it doesnt compile, and it proceeds to lock up the computer. The regular HL2 editor works fine, compiles fine, but the FGD is screwed up somehow and it doesnt have any of the "weapon_blah" / "ammo_blah" / "item_blah" entities.... i can create them by making an empty entity and typing the name, but that's a major pain in the ass since i dont know all the entities by name, nor can i modify any other properties or flags that i need to.

In addition to that, nothing - i repeat: nothing in my life over the past few weeks has been going right at all. At all. Turns out im failing one of my classes that i need to graduate. I've gotten nothing lower than a C on any of the assignments, tests, or lab reports... but somehow i'm failing. So i set up an inquiry about this with my academic adviser and nothing is being done about it. I'm set to graduate may 27th, and it's coming down to the wire. Every one of the computers at school is a piece of shit HP that bluescreens at the sight of anything close to being useful towards my education. They have a deep freeze program on them that erases anything you do to it after it reboots. That's all well and good, but when you need to install software updates for programs the IT department deems not worthy, you lose everything and nothing functions.... These are brand new (2009) computers running windows xp SP 3 and they have INTERNET EXPLORER SIX!!! 6
fucking IE6
nothing even supports that anymore.

[sorry im ranting but im furious at the world right now]

ok so my band is playing a free show tomorrow, may 7th. Its a free show because its the relay for life - a cancer support party many colleges partake in to raise funds and awareness in the fight against cancer. Anyway, my band has the 6:00 - 7:00 slot and we're playing the show.
Good news - yes, but heres the fucked part.
My singer lives in florida. I live in connecticut. The show is in connecticut. Florida is 1200 miles away from connecticut. My singer is driving. He left this morning, the show's tomorrow night. I have a car, my bassist has a car, the drummer has a car, and the singer has a car. None of us have or can procure trucks to transport stuff to the show. We have: 6 piece drum set + cymbals, 2 halfstacks / heads, and one large other amp - 2 guitars, a bass, and 4 people to get to the show.
Did i mention we only have 2 vehicles available to us.. and one of is my cavalier that has a donut on it because i just got a flat tire 4 hours ago coming home from a shitty school that wont allow me to graduate...

Oh right and as a guitarist, i rely deeply on my left hand to be of any use on stage, well i sprained my left ring finger doing a favor for my brother - whom i dislike, but love because he's family. So it's swollen to about 60% normal size, i can't bend it all the way and any pressure creates this very acute stabbing pain throughout my whole hand that's only bearable because im convinced it'll go away soon... it's been 5 days and it still hurts like the day it happened...

Yeah did i mention that The regions power company paid for 2 years of my school? Well they cut my job thanks to our nations terrible economy - now i have 2 schools sending me mega spam "come here! come here!" emails that im really not even wanting to reply to because im sick and tired of school i really am. i wanna be done and sit on my ass at a desk from 9-5 and get paid lots of money so i can go home, bitch about work, pay my bills, drink beer and relax. - rinse and repeat.


Pretty much i hate my life right now - the world is against me [it seems] and im just sick of all the bullshit i have to put up with day after day.
It's relentless and i can't catch a break.


Commented 14 years ago2010-05-07 01:55:46 UTC Comment #49041
I can't comment on everything. But don't desperate, you'll find it does't look so bad in a couple of days.

Regarding the band part, you can probably stuff all the gear in one car and all the people in the other one. That's drummer advice ;)
Commented 14 years ago2010-05-07 06:43:49 UTC Comment #49040
Things will work out one way or another.
Hopefully before the show.
Commented 14 years ago2010-05-07 13:23:38 UTC Comment #49039
idk stu. a full drum set and all the amps barely fits into a truck... not counting the carpets and guitars and cable etc
Commented 14 years ago2010-05-07 17:10:33 UTC Comment #49042
Alright, I guess it depends. I have a relatively small kit (20" 14" 12" 10") and the only band I ever played with had smallish amps.

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