Journal #6584

Posted 14 years ago2010-05-30 08:03:01 UTC
Skals SkalsLevel Designer
So I have this new game called alpha protocol. It's alright. It's got the kinda of communication system heavy rain uses. In games like fallout3 and mass effect, the flaw with the communication system was the you could simply skip through it or take ages in thinking what to do, yet in this game, you have four buttons to choose from on the controller, each one represents a different approach. You have to listen carefully and then choose the best approach to manipulating your subject, which is pretty awesome.

Oh, and I managed to customise my character to look like one of those militia guys with the red beret, a beard and black sunglasses (which is not like totally the reason why I like the game so much) :).

Edit: I don't think the game is good enough to be worth buying guys, but If you can rent it or borrow it some how then give it a shot.


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