I just couldn't resist linking to you guys this
Uber Grandpa Dance.
Nearly wet my pants after 0:55.
[EDIT] Fine. For the sake making this journal longer I will also add that my parents bought a Juicer yesterday(you know, as in the Jack Lalanne infomercials, only this one is not from the infomercials).
Natural juice tastes so damn good! And it's like drinking health itself...
Now when I think of fizzy drinks and other stuff(like coca-cola)... what a load of bullshit.
Obviously things like game trailers are excluded from that rule of thumb.
That video went viral.
The shoutbox is for spam&combos these days.
People ignore long journals by posting tl;dr. I'd have what to post, but I am a lot of the times ignored.
When there's good material everybody shuts up, but now it's not good that there's not too much material.
[EDIT] Also, posting a couple of seconds later to my reply means you have nothing better to do :D.