Finally mastered how to make turrets with hammer in goldsource, which will make by new maps that I'm working on a lot more interactive and interesting.
I finished my first actual map last night. Apartment. It was inspired by a map called 'small.bsp' I downloaded from the Ghetto (LT) server which was a bit larger than my map, but a little less interactivity. My apartment map has light switches, vents you can throw stuff down, and an outside (in space, so there is suffocation) I'll be uploading it shortly...
Great work [OEdc]ThatGuy. Now learn how to make cliffs and uneven terrain, and make an outside map :). Or, even better, progress to Source :P.
Something actually happens? Oh no.
Hello, ThatGuy. Get that map up. ^^
I eagerly await this out of curiosity.
Get it out of your head, Source doesn't instantly make you a better mapper.
The problem is people who never out-grow it.
Welcome to the community.
I mean you could have been the suckiest mapper every on GS and still been a sucky mapper on Source. You make it seem as if you move to the Source engine you instantly become a better mapper.