Well, last year's Yearbook came in today.
...Perhaps "came in" isn't the right phrase. It was bought as a back-order last semester, and my parents intended to give it to me as a secondary Christmas present, but they forgot about until yesterday, and found it today.
I got in it once. In the section where everyone's picture gets in. I'm not exactly active in extra-curricular activities.
As a sidenote, there was also over half a page devoted to the names of the people who didn't get their pictures taken. These people will not be remembered in the years to come.
Based on the passage above, was the author's picture in the yearbook?
A. Yes, he was in the yearbook, in the extracurricular section.
B. Yes, he was in the yearbook, in the section where everyone's picture is.
C. No, he was not in the yearbook, but his name was in a page devoted to the people who didn't get their pictures taken.
D. No, he was not remembered in the years to come.
(to be added when a rep system is maybe introduced)
In before "pointless comment is pointless".
In before "pointless 'pointless comment is pointless' comment is pointless".